
“No one is arguing that Franken should be given a pass. What is being argued is the question of what is appropriate accountability for the SPECIFIC offense, which is why the hypocrisy claim is so misplaced.”

I find your response frustrating because nowhere did I condone Franken, minimize Franken, or say that we should do nothing. I literally said “But before any Democratic politician resigns or is expelled, we should be advocating for SYSTEMIC change and clear, coherent policies being put in place.” That is an explicit

What Franken is alleged to have done is very different from what Moore is alleged to have done. No one is arguing that Franken should be given a pass. What is being argued is the question of what is appropriate accountability for the SPECIFIC offense, which is why the hypocrisy claim is so misplaced. Assault is not

Having had to do laundry by hand for a year, I will gladly take that tradeoff!

I don’t understand why this is so hard for the left. Yes, we should take the allegations seriously. Yes, we should talk about why the alleged actions are wrong. But for heaven’s sake, we shouldn’t do this in a politically naive way because reality is what it is is. We should be using this to call for rules changes or

Yes, so much this! 

I feel like people are in denial over how on the ropes social justice is in the country. Maybe the left really is in a bit of a bubble because for sure, we did not take the threat of Trump seriously enough.

If we want to advocate for a cleaning house of all of Congress with bipartisan ethics

We raise the bar by speaking out and explaining. We don’t raise the bar by expelling our own politicians who are working to provide institutional solutions while the opposition side keeps theirs who are working to cement institutional discrimination. Outcomes matter and power matters.

You can call it hypocritical if

If you’re talking Sanders vs. Clinton, personally that would be fine for me.

If you’re talking Trump vs. Clinton, that would be a hard pass. The GOP at this point is opposing the basic foundations of democracy. I’m not speaking hyperbolically—that is literally what is going on in many of the GOP trifecta states with

What level was his level? It’s hard for me to speculate on actions without noticing that. If he behaved in a mildly shitty way that was generally considered normal behavior at the time, I don’t think he owes penance beyond apology and change. Simply being better is the most important thing.

But if we’re talking he

I mean yes, if he had won, I think Hillary’s voters would have acted like grown ups and supported Bernie full-heartedly against Trump. But he lost for a reason, and that reason sure wasn’t that the DNC somehow magically brainwashed almost 4 million people into voting for Hillary when they really wanted Bernie. He’s

Yeah, that was my journey, too. I LOVED him at the start of primary season, also for finally seeing socialism given a political voice. I’m in a late primary state, though, so I didn’t vote for him.

I disagree about Bernie. Don’t underestimate how much Bernie has alienated key groups in the Democratic Party wing. He is very divisive, which is why he lost the first time.

Except that per the data on voting, it was PoC—and specifically older PoC who lived through the time when Hillary made the superpredator comment—that gave Hillary the nomination.

I bring this up because if I’m interpreting your comment correctly, you’re implying the reverse.

It didn’t help that Jezebel kept dragging Jen Kirkman into the Louis CK allegations even after Jen Kirkman explicitly and repeatedly said no, Louis CK had never masturbated in front of her and would Jezebel please stop mischaracterizing her words already.

No, it is the frequency of men sexually harassing and assaulting people that is to blame. If you are nervous, blame your fellow men for making the accounts of harassment so believable by so frequently harassing/assaulting.

Also, he’s upset that she called him a white supremacist but... maybe she had a reason to do that?

It’s not just Roy Moore. There are a number of GOP politicians (and Democratic politicians) who have also been put under investigation for sexual harassment of staffers. Conservatives are ignoring a lot in their attempts to make Hollywood representative of Democrats.

And of course, what they’re also overlooking is that

And Mariel Hemingway talked about how Woody Allen tried to bring her to Paris to seduce her as soon as she turned 18!

You have the basic facts very wrong.

Dylan Farrow testified to repeated sexualized behavior, of which the worst was the incident in the attic. But it was not the only behavior. Other behavior was witnessed by employees in the household. Woody Allen was in actual therapy for his inappropriateness with her. Dylan has

Dylan did not deny the molestation. I’m not sure why you thought that.

And no, it is not true that every woman who has worked with Allen has had nothing bad to say about him. Perhaps it is true that the adult women have had nothing bad to say. Mariel Hemingway had this to say: