There was a series of YouTube videos a few years back of two guys walking into museums, music festivals and theme parks just by carrying a ladder and looking vaguely like laborers.
There was a series of YouTube videos a few years back of two guys walking into museums, music festivals and theme parks just by carrying a ladder and looking vaguely like laborers.
Absolutely. Jesus was pretty clear when asked that everyone should pay their taxes. Yet somehow the churches are exempt?
I definitely found the controls to be unwieldy as hell. I started with controller(on PC) but couldn’t get comfortable with it so switched to keyboard and mouse for most of the game. It still took some time to work it into muscle memory but at least I stopped inadvertently punching my horse.
I think it does get better after the first few hours after the world opens up but it all depends on what made you quit. If you’re a compulsive completionist it’s a bit much. I didn’t care at all for the hunting or fishing so only did it when required by the story, and I didn’t go out of my way to find absolutely every…
Though she was appointed by Obama, she was approved by the senate 95-0. But as you say, this will almost certainly be forgotten by the weird sycophants employed in right wing media.
The SEC has very limited oversight over private companies. Until he does a capital raise and then does something shady their isn’t much they can do. So given the rate that the company appears to be hemorrhaging money, probably in a year or so!
It’s not actually a given that it would even get through the House. There are 18 republican congresspeople representing districts that Biden won in 2020 and those people are not going to by thrilled about massively hurting their reelection chances for little reward.
I think one more strongly worded letter would have done the trick!
When Musk attempted to scrub the bird logo from the building, local police arrived at the scene after receiving 911 calls that the sign’s removal was stopping two lanes of traffic at a busy intersection and workers didn’t have a permit.
Nintendo doesn’t want to sell at a loss like PS5 and Xbox One X still do. I definitely expect it to be a nice jump from the aging Switch but still expect it to be less powerful than the last gen iPad and I’d be shocked if it were actually 4K.
Jurassic Park came out on VHS 16 months after it came out in theaters, and that was more or less the norm at the time. We’re living in the golden age of streaming as far as that gap goes.
Jason Aldean is from Macon, Georgia with a population of 157K. He’s definitely not from a small town.
It’s bonkers that this dude was present and on stage to witness the largest mass shooting in history and but apparently has no problems writing a song with (very) thinly veiled calls to violence. Way to look inward and grow as a person.
I had the same experience. I live in a pretty rural area and the only 70mm near me is 50 miles away but figured I’d give it a go and make a day of it but as of Tuesday night when I went to buy the tickets it was sold out in every showing.
Also, it would incentivize only making blockbusters and other stuff with the widest possible appeal. No more small movies or shows with niche followings that are great but not widely viewed.
The D4 subreddit is on fire after that patch. I’ve never seen a company so rapidly unite a fanbase against them.
With a combined 208 episodes for Clone Wars and Rebels(I don’t know much about Tales of the Jedi so excluded that), you only need to watch 6 episodes per night to get caught up before the Ashoka premiere. That even gives you room for a day off somewhere in there. Totally reasonable expectation!
You make a good point, Eli.
The embedded video appears to exclusively show people doing it on the road, mostly at intersections.
It continues to astound that they got so many big name actors to agree to be in Borderlands.