
Vermouth and sparkling water is probably not horrible?

I just don’t understand this. Monster Energy is a huge company. They don’t understand that you have to pay licensing fees? Or in this case, need the artists’ permission? I’m sure they try and protect their copyrighted material.

It always makes me chuckle. Getting your wisdom teeth out is basically like being in Cleopatra.

Aww, poor baby. Good for you for taking her in.

My own story is not very exciting, but my sister and husband were both rather amusing while drugged up.

Hey now, you need to slow your roll. You’re being way to reasonable to be part of this argument.

We would buy Carlo Rossi Sangria and keep in it the freezer so it would get slushy. Sangria slushy FTW!

I agree that finding the right shape and styles for me is most important. I’ll still have to pay attention to trends on some level though.

I’m getting a young Donald Sutherland vibe here.

This looks like it’s about to slide off of her at any minute.

Haha, Pete is very determined and very privileged so much of the time ends up acting like an asshole.

Belting is definitely a skill I have not figured out. But, I do have a good friend who frequently rocks belts, so hopefully she can guide me. And like I said, I’m always up for more skirts.

If you are still interested, I actually posted a photo of myself up above. I’m noob enough, that I still haven’t really figured out my body shape. Pear, I think?

Definitely more on the cocktail lounges rather than manky venues side of the scale.

Thanks for these! I’ve been meaning to ask the same question.

Haha, narrow cropped photo adds height?

Wow, I just gave it a quick skim, but those posts seem like exactly what I need. Thanks!

Ha, I keep hearing how your 20s are your time to figure things out. Then when you’re 30ish, you should have an idea of your style and what works for you. Unfortunately, it appears that it doesn’t just magically happen upon reaching the correct age.

See, but that’s still cool because you have a “look.” I have a blah assortment of whatever I could mash together.

Alright, here goes nothing! (Sorry for large photo, that’s definitely bigger than the actual photo.) :( Oh, I suppose it might be useful to mention I’m short, 5’3”.