Sabrina Soto also had a great show called “high low” something, where she would first redo rooms for like 100s of dollars and then redo them again to look through same but with way less cash. It was amazing fun tv
Sabrina Soto also had a great show called “high low” something, where she would first redo rooms for like 100s of dollars and then redo them again to look through same but with way less cash. It was amazing fun tv
Guys I worked the FL emergency info line today and the site we used for information is a public site, go to
I wonder how this would work on someone with aphantasia, when you can’t ‘see’ anything when you close your eyes. How would you be able to regress then?
There’s another great kids company, called Primary, who sells non-tiny shorts. I think they come to about mid-thigh on my kiddo, so average shorts length?
Aww, I grew up listening to her on The Music Man OBR, so sad to hear of her passing.
This dude is the whiniest prince of Denmark since Hamlet, jeez.
He truly feels all parts of the Christmas spirit and I love him for it.
Don’t forget “I’m a Christmas Unicorn”!
Yessssss! I love novelty/supersrs Christmas albums from random pop starts.
Then explain how all of the other US-bake offs (including one with Paul) failed while the only one to succeed had Merry Berry all by her charming, lonesome self.
I know that none of this is good, but if these people really cared about children the way they claim to, they would NEVER take away a mother from her child.
I feel really bad for everyone involved, but it sucks the most for Okieriete. After riding high playing an awesome role in Hamilton, this is just a shitty thing to have happen to him.
Was Brio the magazine that had like 5 pages devoted to a girl’s slippery slide into Satan worship starting with her liking The Crow? And had a terrible “comic book” in the back?
True! We are long, but not girth.
No clue, palm beach is like 8+ hours away from me. We didn’t spend much time there.
I dunno, I watched the first ep and it looked like it was filmed around Palmetto.
Grumblings from the local residents of Palmetto, where Claws is set, started before the show’s premiere. Speaking to the Bradenton Herald, Palmetto Mayor Shirley Groover Bryant said, “I don’t know why they decided to set it in Palmetto. I’m not thrilled about it because it doesn’t have anything to do with the…
that bitch at starbucks knew my name!
Honestly, what they need to do more of is just set up an American branch instead of selling rights to 3rd parties. Apparently I like “weird” manga so I have tons of series I started to buy that never got finished in America which drives me crazy. If it weren’t for scanlations I wouldn’t get to see how those series…