So she dressed up as the sluttier Spice Girls?
Is this the thread where all the knitters and crocheters come out? Because we all wanted to steal Shrek and his wool when the story first broke. I could make SO MANY HATS from his wool, I could probably outfit a NICU for a whole year.
Have you seen On Edge? It’s pretty hilarious (except for some fat jokes) but the best part is totally Scott Hamelton as a disgraced former skating judge cuddling hummel figurines and extolling the pure virtue of skating.
“attacks unwanted fat and impurities within your body. Our reshaping line will strengthen your core all the while improving your posture. The thermogenisis created within your body will allow your body to rid itself of harsh toxins and impurities, through perspiration.”.
I grew up reading Archie and got digests and double-digests as a kid, which always had a nice mix of the different decades. This is either to going to be the best thing for Archie fans, or the worst.
It’s Khia, Ms. “I will sing at your Pool Party and/or Family Reunion” if you’re nasty
Totally agree with all of this. Kim K was the best part of this last episode and I loved how she didn’t let some of the more pushy panelists talk over her.
And people think Honeymoon funds are tacky! I would much rather help pay for you to take a sweet ass vacation to celebrate than just straight-up give you money for being fucking rude.
Hey, if it pays the bills I’m all for it
I accidentally “announced” my pregnancy at a friend’s wedding (I only told ONE person who didn’t already know). I felt like such a dick and tried to spend the rest of the evening making it up to the poor bride. Luckily I don’t think she hated on me too bad because we are still friends, but man I can’t imagine…
I want in my heart of hearts for this to be happening and for it to be amazing. But I’m scared DC is just going to shit all over Virgil like they’ve been doing for years. Even though it was one of the greatest superhero cartoons of all time.
Pretty sure that’s from the New Fantasia, she’s supposed to be the spirit of the forest or something.
I found out at work and had co-workers thinking a family member had died...a sad day indeed.
Boot theory might have been one of the best things Pterry ever wrote.
This might be my favorite Jez thing since Shade Court was introduced. I love that y’all are covering this!
I think this is my favorite book of the year, I’ve already read through it twice. It also has the added bonus of making you so so so hungry for Indian food.
God I hope the next DBSA podcast talks about your write-ups. They gave a RT newbie checklist this last one, and it sounds like SO MUCH FUN.
I think they always call themselves the A-vett brothers, so that’s the pronunciation I use. 3