
You know, for a dude who starred in some "how to break dance" videos I really did expect some better moves.

Anybody else watch Castle?

OvuView is the app, here's a link to Android Play Store.

Right now I'm using Ovoview because it's not 1) pink and 2) covered in flowers. It's all right, but I've never found one I truly loved.

Now playing

Here's a full recording of the Norsk version (or at least that's what youtube claims)

Oh you know we will somehow.

Where's that fucking Bugs Bunny gif now haters? You love to mock us, but who gets shit done - FLORIDA that's who.

Maybe they're finally listening to all the internet Doctors who say "just adopt!" and "Why do you need a biological child anyways?

Ein was a corgi, not a Shiba. #corrections

On the aerie site they have all the bras worn by models with different cup/band size.

Reign of Fire is the best because Star Wars morphs into a play/bedtime story for children.

It doesn't even guarantee you get to keep your job, just one that has the same duties/requirements. Also you have to work a certain number of hours over a 12 month period to qualify for FMLA, so it's not available to everyone.

Also for those who are sick of people saying women don't write SFF, the book smugglers has an awesome post full of ladies who are big-name-published in the genre.

I'm pretty sure it had two different textures/feels depending on which end you use.

Now playing

Found the video! The demo starts at around 6:30

Tenga's are still better than Fleshlights.

And this is why the Swedish title of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is "Men who hate Women".

Lok'tar Ogar my sister!

So when did making a sex tape become part of Christian dogma? I must have missed that part in Sunday School.