
Janelle is always the best. AT EVERYTHING


Oh yeah, there's actually a lot of lawsuits and discrimination cases brought up related to pregnancy and mat/pat's AWFUL.

I'm sorry, I ignored everything after I saw "Tamora Pierce". Whose your favorite character Lindy? I've always been partial to Diane and Sandry.f

Well, technically it's not called parental/maternity/paternity leave, it's the Family Medical Leave Act.

I like to eat my cakes and pies with a tiny baby fork like one of these

I'm not saying it is paternity leave, only that it can be used that way.

You can get up to 3 months of federally protected unpaid leave under the FMLA.

My husband was able to take a whole two weeks off, including staying in the hospital with me the whole time, and it still felt too short.

I live right down the street from a clinic that performs abortions as well as a "crisis pregnancy center".

Dude if FeedBaby (the app I use) went down I would LOSE MY SHIT. So I understand your crutch.


See how she disdainfully stares in the camera?

My 8 month old inherited my "bitch face", but with her fat baby cheeks she just looks like The Godfather or Winston Churchill.

Nice! If I have another one I might see about getting that done. By the last month or so I could barely walk without getting winded. I couldn't even climb a flight of stairs at work without pausing on the landings.

I know that when the ADA first came out, pregnancy was one of the 'disabilities' but I think they took it off the list because some groups got pissed off about "the miracle of life being called a disability". I don't think it's a bad thing to call pregnancy a disability, I know that towards the end of mine I would

Does this mean that people with obesity fall under the ADA now? Or will be eligible for other forms of legal protection?

Yep, that stuck out to me as well. I love that he acknowledged that people did get hurt. It's a much classier response then "It's just a joke, get over yourself".

Remind me never to show you the Harry Potter "Reborn" dolls then