
This morning I realized I forgot to turn the fan on last night and my stupid morning jerkbrain just went "Well this is it, you killed your kid"

She might like the halo sleep sack if she wants her legs free. It only binds the arms down and they can still kick their little legs.

I actually found a baby monitor system that has a pad you slip under the mattress to let you know if the babies moving, but my kid's a pretty solid sleep so it wouldn't help me (and I didn't want to pay 100+ bucks for a monitor)

(((internet hugs)))

Does SIDS freak anybody else out?

Also - the Okee Dokee brothers (cute folk/country music), Elizabeth Mitchell (lady Woody Guthrie) and both They Might Be Giants and Barenaked Ladies have kids albums.


Yeah, she has some serious tape holding those puppies in.

And Cyclops could play the other prince! They look (sorta) alike and both can sing!!

I think I first heard "The Little Things You Do Together" when I was in 1st grade and I've loved the songs from the show since then. That song was hilarious to 8 year old me.

She was great in SMASH, they should totally put her in this movie. Especially if they're using Streep - it can't be an age thing then, why not use the OG?

Yeah it's weird, but I find Company as a show weird...maybe that's why I like it so much? But the songs themselves are so so great.

I would like to blow up that Minmei doll now please. Attach her to some firecrakers and watch her fly!

1) I agree with EVERYTHING you just said. Except Raul Ezpanosa (sp?) in Company is the best thing ever.

Now playing

Or Bernadette Peters who originated the damn role and could still sing it.

She was also in 'Scandal' for a bit. I wanted to see her character a bit more fleshed out, but she was really fun.

I still don't like that she became a "Priness". The show already had 3, why couldn't she have just stayed a bad-ass normal?

Sea ponies are the best though. I'm still mad they didn't put them into the new series.

Well after the awfulness of Twili-corn I don't even care anymore

I have about 5 different sized bras right now due to post-baby fluctuation. I've practically given up on figuring out my size again as it changes every few hours because of breastfeeding.