
I have two Michelangelo's on my desk right now who are in total agreement with you.

The only reason I bf is because it's free and I have oversupply so I can give any extra to my friends baby. Otherwise it sucks donkey balls and I can't wait til BabbyDeLaCreme is a year old so I can stop.

Even if they had the money, why should they? They've never had to before, advertisers/producers have always footed the bill. I'd much rather they be beholden to me as a fan rather than some producer who only cares about selling ad space.

I also funded this with no moral problems because I would rather be the one funding the stuff I love. Very few actors/producers have the funds to just go off and shoot a movie or tv show funded with their own money and so turn to the suits and advertisers.

I didn't know that, thanks! So it's not so much the hair but it's the appropriation of significant cultural dress? It seems us whiteys are focusing on the hair being the most glaring part of the redface.

QUESTION - if she didn't have the wig with the braids but had the feathers, would it still be redface?

I never cared for the show until Netflix showed me the ATL version...I think I watched the whole first season in a day.

I recently changed my gender on HuluPlus from female to male because of this type of shit.

If you donate 35 bucks or more you get the movie as part of your backer bundle. So if backers don't want to pay to see it in theaters they don't have too.

Do you have "Q-in-law"? I picked that up for the lolz a while back.

Yes, I was not the only one who was grounded from books! My Mom just took them ALL always though, not just my favorites.

Let me tell you about my ideas for a hot dog restaurant called "Schlongs"...

The thought of drinking the "child-sized" soda makes me physically ill. Unless I'm really in a soda mood I can't drink more than an can size in a single sitting.

The 3rd season is my FAVORITE, it's got such great episodes

Is that from the episode where Jackson deep-fries a turkey and she gets super drunk?

I had to talk to the dean of students about my bus book reading during middle school. Apparently the fact that other kids took my books and threw them around the bus was my fault.

...Are you my husband? Because that is exactly what I did. I did try to read the books but I just can’t slog my way through them, and just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia. Of course then I had the fun of knowing about the RW before my husband got to it, so I thoroughly enjoyed his reaction and pain!

I CAN'T WAIT! Seeing all my friends flip out at Ned was amazing and this will just be a million times better because of the fangirls for you-know-who.