
So pleased to see someone beat me to posting this gem. Freakazoid doesn’t have nearly the cult following that it should.

That’s because he didn’t give them time to draw their weapons. If you give them time to get the weapons out, you’re fucked. The way they drove up and attempted to surround him absolutely indicated an attempted robbery. He repelled them with force that wasn’t just nonlethal, it wouldn’t leave any real injuries at all.

If they have weapons, by the time you’re finished saying “Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?” you’re already fucked. This was clearly an attempted robbery underway. Guy was fully justified in reacting as he did.

Being inclusive isn’t “forcing” diversity. Do you consider it “forcing” whiteness when they only include white characters?

I have a few conservative co-workers who are into this kind of thing. Here’s my best understanding of it: babies, being excited about a baby/birth, and being excited about your baby’s gender are all “feminine” things. This goes double if the child you are expecting is actually a girl. It is unacceptable for a “manly

The license thing makes sense, but there are plenty of other beloved classics on Steam that are buggy messes on modern systems and require fan patching or mods to be playable, and nobody seems to get upset about those. VtM: Bloodlines comes to mind.

So why are they delisted to begin with? It’s not like these are physical sales with production and shipping costs. It costs next to nothing to keep an existing digital game for sale on Steam. Why not keep selling? Are there legal issues with these games?

Hollow Knight has many sudden difficulty spikes, right up until the end. I made it all the way to the final boss, but I gave up after a couple dozen attempts. It is a beautiful game, but it can be just punishing.

I’m probably not the typical consumer, but I’m waiting to buy a PS5 until FF16 comes out. If they switched it to Xbox, I’d buy that instead. So they’re definitely a system seller for some people.

Companies do sometimes just flat out lie about stuff like this. There’s no law against it. And sometimes sale rumors like this do turn out to be complete bull. There’s no real way to know until they either announce the sale or a few months pass and it fizzles out.

I played on a high end PC and I still encountered tons of bugs. Some game breakers that required me to reload much earlier saves. The big final boss fight was completely broken, they just stopped attacking and stood still. Granted it didn’t seem as bad as the console experience and there have been patches, but the

You are right, I was looking at the 2016 map. Still, Pennsylvania is going to be tough. Incumbency advantage on top of all the other factors working in the Rs favor. Still if they pull that off that gives us 54 Republicans, 46 Dems. Not a great situation.

I hope you’re right about Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but I’m not so optimistic. Wisconsin was a narrow Biden win, and Pennsylvania went for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. On top of that you have the historical trend of the party out of power gaining seats at the midterm, and Republicans generally outperforming in

I wish the dems could pick up seats, but the party in power almost always loses seats at the midterm. If historical trends hold, we’re back to a Republican senate in 2022.

This effort is completely doomed unless Manchin and Sinema have some dramatic changes of heart, or the dems pick up senate seats in 2022. Both are very unlikely.

Aren’t they supposed to be kindergarteners? Isn’t that their whole deal?

Background checks in the US are bullshit. Anyone who wants to get a gun can get a gun. They’re everywhere. Gun control is a joke.

My high school girlfriend and I went to this movie to make out in the back of the theater. Gotta say, nothing kills the romance quite like Denzel Washington wailing in distress over his kid’s heart condition.

Are they going to fix the bug that made Conrad Verner always act like you picked the renegade options in ME1?

Boo hoo. Enjoy poverty, fascists. I have zero sympathy for these people. They saw four years of Trump’s hate and said “I love it, give me more of that”.