
Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there, you can’t just be making comments on the internet. Humans have proven forever that they make everything about sex. Everything obviously includes comments. If you keep making comments on Kotaku like this, it’ll prove that comments are okay. Then people will start making comments full

Ah, the good old slippery slope argument. A classic of specious reasoning. Why stop there? If Twitch would definitely turn into hardcore porn, then surely people would start murdering others on stream for the views, right? This would become so popular that the entire population would be wiped out for the hits! TWITCH

Hopefully it breaks out of there at some point. A couple titles have managed it. It’s not lifetime exclusive.

Twitch’s weird puritan streak continues to baffle me. You can watch videos of any number of games with graphic violence, but a woman in a bikini might be too much? Something is wrong with the people who care so much about policing this.


This makes me really wish we’d gotten a Jade Empire 2.

They cancelled the My Time at Sandrock release date set on March 31. It’s now coming at some indeterminate time in the future.

This is why I think it’d be smart for them to transition FFXI to FTP. Surely anyone willing to pay for a subscription to an FF MMO will go for XIV at this point. They need some draw if they want to continue monetizing XI.

My guess is that while the previous entries were suggestive, they didn’t contain material they thought would get them into legal trouble if one of the performers turned out to be underage. This one might.

I think the big problem with Evangelion is that the fandom talks about it like it is a flawless masterpiece, which naturally generates backlash with people talking about it like it is an utter piece of trash with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Do you think we’ll ever see FFXI go free-to-play? Or even a limited FTP like WarCraft has now? Every so often I feel tempted to go back and check it out again, but there’s no way I’m paying a subscription for an MMO that old.

So he just mixes in random tirades against YouTubers complete with expensive props in with all the creepy “seduction” stuff?

With hentai, Steam doesn’t need to worry that there are possibly any underaged performers being depicted, which is something that could get them into serious legal trouble in many countries where they sell.

I’m probably going to regret asking this, but curiosity compels me: how on Earth is a cannon involved in this?

As it was foretold, the prophecy has come to pass.

 Lockdown won’t last forever, but it’s been a year. And it might be another year before big in person events like conventions are back to business as usual. Two years with severely reduced revenue is a big deal in the business world.

Then by that standard this doesn’t count as a main entry either, since SE made the choice not to call it LiS3.

If you count “Before the Storm”, it’s LiS4. Hell, you could throw in “The Adventures of Captain Spirit” and “Tell Me Why” which both seem to take place in the same universe and make it LiS6.

People seem to like House Flipper, and that game contains a LOT of non-automated scrubbing/mopping.

I am incredibly hyped for this. Disco Elysium is, at least in terms of narrative design, one of the greatest video games ever made. I’d put it in the same category as Planescape: Torment. I can’t wait to play through it again.