
This solution would absolutely work. But Steam would never do it because it requires active policing and manpower on their end. Valve doesn’t want to pay for someone to review a playthrough of every game submitted to their platform. Their vision for Steam is a platform that requires near-zero maintenance and

This solution would absolutely work. But Steam would never do it because it requires active policing and manpower on their end. Valve doesn’t want to pay for someone to review a playthrough of every game submitted to their platform. Their vision for Steam is a platform that requires near-zero maintenance and

This reminds me of the old, discredited psychological theory that facial expressions cause their associated emotions, rather than the other way around. Some researchers actually believed you could, for example, make yourself genuinely happy by forcing yourself to smile all the time because happiness and smiling were

Were such a flag to exist, unscrupulous devs would all mark their game as too short and tie “completion” to an achievement that triggers right after starting the game as a way to prevent refunds. It’d be an enforcement nightmare for Valve.

Will never happen now. Mike Richards is still an executive producer and integral to the selection process. Choosing Burton now would be tantamount to admitting they should have picked Burton in the first place, and that’d be too damaging to Mike’s ego.

I wish I’d had this review before playing the game. What a poorly executed waste of time.

How do they make money off this? It looks like they cancelled their one Kickstarter, and pulled the one game they published on Steam when it had few sales. Do they have gullible investors they are stringing along? How have they stayed afloat so long?

They’re pretty good! If you enjoyed SNES Shadowrun, I’d give them a try. Worth the playtime.

Jake Armitage shows up in the main game, no DLC needed.

Aw man, SNES Shadowrun was awesome. Wasn’t there some project to remake it with the Shadowrun Returns engine? Did anything ever come of that?

This has been the historical trend because, historically, when viruses have become more serious/deadly, populations have taken greater steps to prevent transmission. This time might be different because here in America we’re doing the opposite, with politicians doing everything they can to prevent precautions from

If she really considers the existence of this tape to be unethical, there’s nothing stopping her from destroying it now. This sounds like a bid for attention.

You have no value as a human being and no one cares about your whining.

What is the point of climbing Everest? Why make the grueling and treacherous journey to the south pole? Why spend incredible amounts of time, money, and effort to put a man on the moon?

I guess that it’s an article about Ubisoft being shitty? Certainly a stretch.

Wow. I remember hearing DS carts were expensive, but over $10? If I recall correctly even AAA titles for the DS topped out around $50 retail, so we’re talking over 20% of profits eaten up by physical production? What made them so expensive? They’re mostly plastic and a small chip, aren’t they? I hope Switch cartridges

Lavar Burton also has a newer fanbase from Lavar Burton Reads, one of the best (if not the best) short fiction podcasts in existence.

Why is this a slideshow? As annoying as they are I sort of get using the slideshow format for listicle style pieces, but why force what is otherwise a normal article into this format? It just makes it harder to read, especially on mobile.

Amen. Hell, well into the 20th century they gave Olympic marathoners alcohol DURING THE RACE.

Wait, RL Stine is doing straight up slasher horror now? Man. I still think of him as the “baby’s first horror story” author of the more-spoopy-than-spooky Goosebumps series. Has he been doing this for a while?