
Setting up their culture to take an L so they can shit on Black people is very on brand for Fox News viewers. These are the same people who vote against their own economic interests every election because while they know they’ll get screwed, they know people of color will get screwed harder. It’s not how far up the

So glad to see this one getting some coverage. I love Inkle’s stuff, and this is probably their best thing since 80 Days. Every time I think I have it figured out, some new wrinkle appears.

Maybe be more specific with what the issue is? The commenting seems to be working fine for me and I have no idea what you’re saying needs fixing.

It’s hard to say whether they’ve been bad or not when they haven’t even attempted them in a decade. Lightning is the last one I can think of that qualifies as a “female lead”. And I think it’d be a stretch to call her “compelling”.

What heroines? They haven’t really had any main cast heroines since FFXIII and the sequels.

She sure took her time. I understand wanting to be thoughtful in your response, but the damage is done by now. Her name will be forever associated with racism, white supremacy, and the KKK, at least in certain corners of the internet.

This is what happens when you elect cops.

Is that possible? I thought you couldn’t get to Ilos without the vision from Shiala.

There’s a path where the Thorian kills Shiala? I missed that one completely. In all my playthroughs either Shiala survives or Shepherd kills her. How do you get the one where the Thorian kills her?

As to the “why do we need biotics and tech”, think of it less like them being actual separate systems and more like your standard RPG element system. Some types of attacks work better on shields, some work better on biotic barriers, some work best on armor, some on organics, some on synthetics, etc, etc. That has a

I won’t try to defend ME3's ending, but ME3 is worth playing for the Citadel DLC if nothing else. That remains the high point of the whole series.

Last time California did one of these, we elected a Republican actor with no political experience and a laughable ideology. You are wise not to underestimate our stupidity.

It’s difficult for any story to make me feel sad for a police officer these days, but these women didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. The other officers in the story remain scum.

I don’t hate fetch quests on principle. They CAN be done well. But the problem is they’re easy, formulaic filler which can be very tempting for lazy devs to use to pad their game. So they rarely ARE done well.

Paradox is right up there with Star Wars and Rick and Morty as far as mostly-good creators with TERRIBLE fanbases.

Because you need a permit for 27 feet.

Did they fix the Conrad Verner bug in ME2?

Of all the things to cut, I don’t understand why they cut the ME3 multiplayer. Not only was it hugely popular, it’s also the only part of all three games that functions as an additional revenue stream. Baffling from a business point of view.

Some of it is pressure from China, some of it is fear after the big PornHub takedown. All big businesses with any connection at all to adult materials are terrified of becoming the next PornHub.

I’m guessing they got massive backlash from the fanatical pro-Israeli government types in the US, the ones who don’t actually give a damn about the Israeli people but see the state as integral to their beliefs about an imminent apocalypse.