
So why isn’t this available for the Switch yet? They’ve ported it before. The Switch can handle N64 games just fine (see Super Mario 64). There’s demand. People will buy it. What is the hold up?

Is “Tales of Eventale” a Tales series game? I can’t find it on Steam.

It could also give Trump another vote on the Supreme Court in the event that they decide the election, which seems increasingly likely.

Murkowski didn’t rule out voting for Trump’s nominee. She just ruled out doing it before election day. She’s open to voting them in during the lame duck session.

That is a bizarre thing to say. Romney voted for Kavanaugh. Why do you think he’d suddenly change his thinking now?

4, not 3. If only 3 flip, Pence breaks the tie. And he’s definitely not voting down a Trump nominee.

I want to have hope, I really do. But Murkowski, Grassley, Tillis, and Collins always fall in line when the chips are down. They’ll choose party over country and over integrity every time. Trump and McConnell haven’t put the screws to them yet. They’re going to do this. They’re going to put whoever Trump nominates on

Did it fix the shitty teammate AI?

Vaan is the viewpoint character, but he is definitely not the protagonist. Ashe is. He’s the Ishmael to Ashe’s Ahab.

I always thought it was just supposed to be Mario’s ridiculous Italian accent. “So long-ay Bowser!”

A spokesperson for Warner Brothers declined to comment further when asked by Kotaku whether Rowling would receive royalties for Hogwarts Legacy.”

Empire of Sin didn’t announce a Switch release date today, but they did announce one for PC shortly after the direct: December 1. Unclear if that is also the Switch date.

The details of Rowling’s contract will most likely never be public, but it’s pretty standard for agreements to purchase film, television, or game rights from major authors to include a royalty. It’s probably safe to assume Rowling gets some slice of the revenue from this game.

It sounded to me like they were going for a sort of Final Fantasy by way of Witcher 3 vibe.

Yeah, no. There’s going to be plenty of games to play where the money won’t go to a transphobic bigot.

The original version of this article said “coming later this year”. It looks like that’s been removed. Was that an error?

The lip syncing is clearly not finished. It’s usually one of the last things to be finished in a AAA release. As long as they don’t rush it and leave facial animations unfinished (*cough* Mass Effect: Andromeda *cough*) it’ll be fine in the finished product.

This is what happens when man meddles in the domain of God.

Soooo, when are we going to be able to migrate our Origin purchases to Steam?

Fair enough. I appreciate your willingness to give it a shot. If you’re also not a fan of FFT’s music, I think it’s safe to say we just have different tastes.