
Five years ago? He was blackmailing girls with nude photos at fourteen? That’s some advanced level predatory behavior there. Also, assuming the girls were similar in age to him, isn’t this child pornography?

Big whoop. She’s still speaking at the RNC.

The problem is the drones you’re talking about don’t exist. Sure, the technology exists to create them, but it would take time and money. Right now we don’t have time. And if we get this under control, and have time to make them? We won’t, because California woefully underfunds firefighting despite this being an

This is very well put. I think you’ve hit something about Telltale’s marketing not quite matching what the games were. They were good on their own merits, but they weren’t “game changes completely based on your choices.” Though there was at least a little of that. The last episode of the Batman series has two pretty

I am a hundred percent on board for this.

He absolutely can be good and interesting. But it requires some sort of creativity, some sort of twist. “Superman is a good guy and defeats the bad guy” is a story we’ve heard a million times, it needs something extra. “Superman goes evil” is just a lazy way to do that.

I’ve always felt Telltale got a bit of a bad rap. Not about their labor practices, by all accounts those were shitty. But the games themselves were mostly pretty good. The Batman ones in particular. I actually liked the second even better than the first.

I get that “we’re investigating” is just a meaningless boilerplate response now, but... what is there to “investigate” here? We all saw the tweet. Do we really need CSI to puzzle out what happened here?

I share your exhaustion with the grimdark, evil superman takes. But I do sort of get it. Standard issue boy scout Superman is boring. We’ve explored that character thoroughly. He no longer feels interesting or relevant in the year 2020.

They’d have to pay them appropriately, which they won’t. Fire services in California have been woefully underfunded for years. Why would they pay, when they can use slave labor instead?

Man, Rare Replay was awesome. I wish they’d port it to PC. I also wish more studios would do similar things with their back catalogs. So many great older titles are just gathering dust, unavailable to players and generating no income for developers.

Excellent changes. It’d be even better if they let players opt out of team games entirely, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

Persona 5 Royal for PC would be an instant buy for me. Catherine: Fullbody, too. For some reason PC only got the original version.

I’m just glad it’s a free update. I couldn’t take another bill.

Did you play Reigns? I seriously doubt they’ll be going in a Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing direction.

It definitely had some problems, but I remember Granstream Saga fondly. It had the sort of interesting, slightly melancholy plot that Quintet did so well. The gameplay was mediocre, but I liked it all the same. I remember the anime cutscenes being cool.

Final Fantasy VIII. Looking back it’s a good game, maybe even a great game. I liked it enough to buy the remaster. But after playing and loving IV, VI, and VII, and seeing the ads and playing the demo showing what an incredible graphical leap forward it would be, my expectations were sky high.

My point exactly.

Fuck Newsweek. You don’t get to post a piece of flaming racist garbage, REFUSE TO TAKE IT DOWN, and say “whoopsie, we didn’t mean this to be racist” and expect people not to think you’re racist. Everyone who was involved in the writing and editorial process of this piece clearly has issues with black people in

All the team games are the worst. I’d take the worst solo game (Perfect Match) over the best team game (ehh... Rock N Roll, maybe?) any day. It’s just so random and dependent on who you get paired with.