Slime Climb is my absolute favorite by far. It feels like the least random of all the courses, the most skill based. I’ve lost plenty of times, but it’s always felt fair.
Slime Climb is my absolute favorite by far. It feels like the least random of all the courses, the most skill based. I’ve lost plenty of times, but it’s always felt fair.
The team based tail game is the absolute worst. The tail games are bad for all the reasons you mention, and when you add the horribleness of team games in this you have a recipe for disaster. Might as well just roll a die to decide the winner.
Slime Climb is my absolute favorite. I always hope for it to come up. Sure, it’s challenging, but it feels less random and arbitrary than something like Door Dash.
Olives and pickles, sure. Nuts, however, are incredibly pricey, especially since the China trade war got going. Prices have skyrocketed here.
I mean, Lincoln’s up there. I feel pretty confident saying Lincoln was better than Trump, no (????) required.
I understand it, but I am sad to see Obra Dinn go. That was such a cool, innovative game. I’d have probably kept it over Tetris.
Not really. Obama’s endorsement only came after Biden had the nomination well in hand.
It is absolutely horrifying to think that there is a middle school teacher who has no ideas other that corporal punishment for addressing poor behavior. Did you receive no training at all?
Does the patch fix saves that already encountered the bug, or does it just prevent the bug from occurring in new playthroughs?
I’d completely forgotten that. I bow to your superior Luigi knowledge.
No he isn’t. You see a message which is implied to be from Luigi, but Luigi never actually appears.
Is that what she is? The horns made me think ‘demon’. Is that a specific character?
Aside from the Xbox One and Xbox Series X, have a previous generation’s controllers ever worked with the new system? This seems pretty standard to me. Am I missing why this is a big deal?
So wait a minute. Sperm just roll around like Sonic the Hedgehog? Am I the only one who thinks this makes sperm way more hilarious than they used to be?
I mean, if we’re going for the actor who has most in common with the subject, Kevin Spacey is the obvious choice.
How’s that kool aid taste?
Was I the only one who saw the image and, before reading the headline, thought “Why is Commander Shepherd holding a bow and arrow?”
Crowdfunding is a gamble, sure, but new Suikoden-esque stuff from the creators of Suikoden is a jackpot tempting enough to justify the gamble.
Will we ever see Fable 3 for PC for sale again? I never really understood why it was abruptly pulled off Steam.
No. Not at all.