
At what point do we just say America doesn’t work, and it needs to be completely torn down and replaced with something new? Even if a miracle happens and we get Trump out of office peacefully... we still have the same system that put him in power in the first place. I’m increasingly of the belief that the whole

As others have said, mental health treatment in America is only for the middle class. If you’re poor, you can’t afford it. If you’re rich, you can reshape reality enough to avoid ever feeling like you need treatment. That seems to be what Kanye’s doing. Might explain some of his affinity for Trump, they’re kindred

The Trials of Mana remake was great. I’d love to see a similar approach to an FF6 remake.

Why not take the best of both worlds? “Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2: Final Fantasy XVI”.

I wasn’t comparing the two in terms of quality. Portal 2 is clearly a better game.I was using it as a benchmark because they came out close in time to one another. My point was about the length of time between releases from Valve.

Enraged at my employer today. Schools in our area will be remote this fall, which is needed because coronavirus is out of control here. But that does leave some people without childcare and needing to be at home with their kids during the day while they do school remotely.

FIFA does extremely well on PC. There’s definitely a market.

I’m right there with you. I understand this is a series with a distinct art style, but Persona 5 found a way to modernize with a fresh new visual aesthetic that was both true to the series and fit with what had come before. I was hoping they’d do something similar here.

Go back to Russia, fuckface.

The graffiti explicitly called it a Nazi monument, and said nothing anti-Ukranian. Whoever did this knew full well about the Nazi connection.

Fine. Vote third party, watch Trump get re-elected, and enjoy another four years of this bullshit. At least you’ll have the smug satisfaction of not having voted for someone who doesn’t pass your rigid purity test, right?

I’d be very surprised if that’s all Nintendo has planned for the rest of the year. They didn’t announce the new Mario until mid-May. They’ve been doing lots of that sort of thing lately, announcing games just months ahead of time. I’m betting they have a surprise ready for the holiday season.

Far Cry 6 releases on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia on February 18, 2020.”

That’s an excellent point, but I really think the bigger point here is just how long Valve went between releases. Prior to Alyx, their last major video game release was Portal 2 in 2011. Nintendo’s biggest game in 2011 was Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Can you imagine if Nintendo just hadn’t released any games since

Killing projects is very common for big studios, yes. Killing so many big projects that you go nine years between major game releases is not common. Valve is definitely an outlier.

Sure, sure, fine, whatever. Fine. When are we getting Blood Dragon 2?

The impression I get from all of this is that Valve is a complete mess of a studio that would’ve gone bankrupt or been bought out years ago if they didn’t have Steam as a revenue source. How much money must have been thrown away on all these failed projects? It’s not just Half Life, there’s a cancelled Left 4 Dead 3

Is the banner screenshot actually taken from the game? Because nothing about that says “less sci-fi” or “gunning for realism”.

That seems like a bizarre test. Wouldn’t any female character wearing a dress or skirt fail? Unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean, wouldn’t Princess Peach fail? She’s as E-rated as it gets.

That’s a fair point. Maybe Shantae has a shot.