
If Mai Shiranui is too fanservicey for Smash, Shantae probably is too.

My memories of The Immortal are, cool box art aside, that it’s a terrible game. Is that the consensus? I haven’t played it in decades.

Additional fun fact: intentional use of a car as a weapon (accidental homicide doesn’t count) is the only thing you can do that can get your driver’s license PERMANENTLY revoked in the United States.

People cope with tragedy in different ways. She probably felt the feeling of support from a wider community was comforting.

Why is the language in the headline so weirdly passive? It feels like whoever wrote it took pains to avoid saying “driver killed protester” or “driver murdered protester”. Even if you have to throw an “allegedly” in there, that seems like a more accurate way to describe what happened. This almost makes it sound like

Is the remaster coming to PC as well, either in patch form or a new release?

Yep. In 2016 so many people said Trump had no chance. They got complacent. Then everything went to shit.

Because one’s not enough, and two is too low.

Kimmel’s long documented history of racist and sexist “humor” should permanently disqualify him from further work in the entertainment industry.

Upper class tax cuts. Zuckerberg cares about his own money and nothing else. He is greed in human form.

A heart attack can’t kill you if you don’t have a heart.

How is this “out of the blue”? It feels like every month he’s done something stupid and terrible. This is the guy who livestreamed a minor using the bathroom without consent. If anything it’s a shock this didn’t happen a long time ago.

I kind of get it. Aside from having the first black Disney princess, Princess and the Frog is not a super progressive movie. Tiana is introduced as a waitress, and the film goes to great lengths to show that the wealthy white people she knows are actually good people. The villain is a black “witch doctor” whose

This is a huge improvement. Next can we replace Pirates of the Caribbean with a Moana-themed ride? It’s all boat related, seems like a straightforward switch. Yeah, I know they changed the slave auction and rapey stuff, but the whole thing is still kind of gross.

The problem with this plan is it assumes the federal marshals and the military will oppose Trump. So far they’ve been willing and eager to follow his illegal orders. Again, that includes gassing unarmed civilians. So I don’t see much reason to think they’ll suddenly do a 180 and stand against him.

Trump’s going to win in November.

Copyright takedown in 3... 2... 1...

The first game didn’t have any mention whatsoever of Ellie being LGBT+. That only came in the DLC.

I agree that you don’t want to minimize the danger of groups like the KKK, but I also think that sometimes it’s okay to mock them and make them look like the morons they are, and laugh at their expense. Mockery can be a powerful weapon if deployed correctly. These people have paper thin skin, nothing gets them quite

Oh, come on, that header image is completely uncalled for and inaccurate.