Sickening, unsurprising. I hope the protests keep going.
Sickening, unsurprising. I hope the protests keep going.
It’s not just the font. It overtly uses names and art assets from Ocarina of Time.
This is a lot of fun. How long until Nintendo shuts them down?
Xenogears and Xenosaga were also from different companies, but had creative teams in common and a few links between the stories for players to catch.
I’ve never played Xenoblade Chronicles and am considering jumping in. Does this series have anything at all to do with Xenogears or Xenosaga, or is it just a naming similarity?
Wasn’t there a rumor a few months back about Nintendo planning their own HD remaster of this game for the Switch? Was there anything to that?
Just remember that your safety and the safety of your fellow protesters are the most important thing. If things get bad, run. It’s not a game out there. Thank you for doing what you can.
Trump absolutely wants the military to kill these protesters, peaceful and otherwise. The white supremacist vote is key to his re-election plan. Ordering a mass execution of black and brown people is exactly the kind of thing that would get his base supporters energized.
Why wouldn’t he want that? He knows black people are never going to vote for him. A massacre is exactly the kind of thing that would energize his base and show them he means what he says and is committed to white supremacy. They’d vote for him in droves.
And also the part where he’s, y’know. Fictional.
It’s not even an apology. She outright makes false claims about him threatening her in the “apology”. It’s straight up victim blaming.
Oh my goodness. I’ve been seeing ads for this on Hulu, and until this article I honestly thought it was a reality show parody. I never even considered that this wasn’t actually supposed to be a tongue in cheek satire.
Not quite sure what to make of this review. The tone is pretty lukewarm, but all the individual jokes described sound pretty hilarious.
They’re taking advantage of a global pandemic to gouge a couple bucks out of people who are just trying to bring themselves or their kids a little bit of fun distraction during an incredibly trying time. They are doing nothing that provides even minor benefit to anyone but themselves. Sounds pretty unscrupulous to me.
That’s the point. It was speculation at the time this article came out. It would’ve been irresponsible of Jezebel to state this was suicide when it wasn’t known at the time.
Easily my freshman year dorm roommate. Our university did one of those questionnaires to match people up. I think we got matched up because we were the only two people in the building who said they planned to go to law school some day.
In Jezebel’s defense, was suicide confirmed as the cause of death when this article went up? Suicide isn’t mentioned anywhere in the article. I agree the hotline should be included in any article about suicide, but I don’t see this as an article about suicide.
It is indeed on Crunchyroll! And without a paid subscription. Watched it just the other day. Classic.
The really sad thing is he might be right. He won with just the moron vote before, after all. No reason it couldn’t happen again. Nobody’s changed their mind.
I was unfairly harsh in my initial post, but there are absolutely people out there on this and other websites who are still pushing the “Sanders can unsuspend and win” or “Biden should drop out and endorse Sanders” narratives. I’ve gotten responses like that to other comments I’ve made. They are definitely out there.