
You know what? That’s fair. I’ve been seeing a lot of infuriating anti-Biden stuff from certain folks out there on the net lately, and I think I directed some of that anger here unfairly. Biden is being an ass.

Look, we get it. You don’t like Biden. You didn’t want him to be the nominee. I don’t like him either. I certainly didn’t vote for him in my primary. But it’s him or Trump at this point. He’s not going to drop out and magically give Bernie or Warren the nomination. He’s what we’re stuck with. Is there any chance of us

Would you say the same of Trump? You don’t know the exact circumstances of his life, so how can you judge any of his actions?

Yep. She desperately needed an abortion. She had firsthand experience with how terrible that situation is. Yet she still was willing to speak out against the rights of others just so she could get a little bit of cash. Fuck her.

Does the AV Club not give F ratings? This is a pretty savagely negative review, but the film still gets a D. The review reads like something that should get an F.

In the words of Grandmaster Flash, you gone high on that cocaine, you gone crazy like a cocaine train.

That’s certainly true for some of them, but Maxis was huge. SimCity was a massive hit, and The Sims franchise remains popular to this day. EA still didn’t think twice about axing the studio after a single big flop.

Nope. Instead Hojo’s plan is to breed Aerith with members of SOLDIER. Still definitely creepy rape overtones to the whole thing, but at least they removed the weird inter-species crossbreeding angle.

No way we get Part Two within a year. We’ve seen no footage, not even early teaser stuff. It won’t take as long as the first one since they have a working engine and assets they can work from, but it definitely won’t be within a year. Especially with COVID and all that.

There’s something very telling about the whole Trump mindset that the 404 page for his website assumes that you, the viewer, must be the one who fucked up to get there. After all, it’s impossible the website could have any mistakes. It’s Trump’s website.

Absolutely not. First off, he’s wealthy enough that if their well-being was his concern, he could just continue paying them without making them come in and expose themselves to a potentially deadly disease. Or he could furlough them and let them collect unemployment until it is safe to reopen. The only person who

So he’s broke if you ignore the fact that he owns a controlling interest of a multi-billion dollar company. Presumably we’re also ignoring the fact that he owns seven luxury houses, six of which are mansions in Bel Air, estimated to be worth well over $100 million in total. Aside from all that, basically broke.

I think

A vaccine may never be developed. This may just be what life is like now.

Elon Musk has more money than anyone needs. He has enough to live in luxury for the rest of his life. But he’s still willing to literally risk his employees’ lives so that he can make more money. He’s a cartoon villain come to life.

Couldn’t you just, y’know, listen to an album?

Chicken nuggets are great, but I miss them back in their original form, when they still used dark meat. You usually got at least one nugget of solid dark meat in a pack of six. Those were amazing.

That’s what they said about Kavanaugh. And about impeachment.

Can we all agree that Microsoft is absolutely terrible at naming consoles?

I won’t attempt to defend the FFVI port and its hideous art style, but the Steam version of Chrono Trigger has actually received some substantial updates and is a pretty good version now.