If this means we might get a new Second Sight game, this is very good news. That game was criminally underrated.
If this means we might get a new Second Sight game, this is very good news. That game was criminally underrated.
Doesn’t Old World come out on Tuesday? From the coverage on this site, that game looks awesome.
He got off with no consequences for filming a minor using the bathroom against their will. He knows he can do and say whatever the hell he wants and will continue to be financially rewarded.
It was almost certainly someone contracted for localizing. Much of the leaked videos were in German.
These are all fantastic, but I think Brutalist is the one I’d be most excited to actually play.
He doesn’t need a coup. If he doesn’t try to just cancel the election outright, he’ll get Kavanaugh and the rest of his Supreme Court puppets to declare his loss “fake news” and install him for another term.
The Tonberry fight was absolutely hilarious, but for sheer comedy value I think the Hell House fight just barely wins.
I’d love if that were true. I really would. But it’s not. Bernie would need something like 80 percent of all votes left to be cast to have a chance of winning the nomination. It just isn’t going to happen.
Every other candidate for the democratic nomination has dropped out. I don’t see the point in pretending he might not be the nominee.
Zelda is such an amazing series that it is nearly impossible to pick a favorite. Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, A Link to the Past, and Breath of the Wild are all legitimate contenders for best video game of all time. Even slightly less acclaimed entries like Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Link’s Awakening are…
I voted for Warren and gave to her campaign. Didn’t seem like people went for it.
I didn’t vote for Biden in my primary. I didn’t support him until everyone else had dropped out. But the cold reality is it’s him or Trump now. Those are the two options. The primary is over. The general election has begun.
I was so sure Recovery Grape was from Octopath Traveler, but it turns out I was thinking of Healing Grape.
Hot take inspired by header image: Heavy Rain was actually good.
At this point I think they should lean into their bizarre naming conventions and embrace the most accurate yet confounding possible title for the next one:
Young people may be at low risk of dying, but there are two points to consider. First, low risk is not no risk. Young people can and have died of this. Two, even if they fully recover, by getting infected they can spread the disease to first responders and vulnerable people. Anyone who spreads the disease contributes…
Nobody’s “only option” is Gamestop. Video games are not worth dying for.
There is something grimly hilarious about the first piece of advertising on this article being an ad for where to find au pair jobs.
It’s a beta. Minor errors like this happen in a beta. That’s what betas are for, to catch and remove these sorts of errors.
You know the bone spurs are completely made up, right? When asked by an interviewer about them, he claimed to have ‘forgotten’ which foot had the bone spur.