
I don’t think it’s so much that OT’s story is meh, more that it’s not the story people expected. People thought the stories of the eight main characters would weave together and intersect. Instead what you get are eight almost completely separate tales that come together at the end. They aren’t bad stories, but they

I don’t think it’s so much that OT’s story is meh, more that it’s not the story people expected. People thought the

Is he Reeve? Does Reeve show up later? I just got through this bit, I assumed he was supposed to be Reeve.

I’m not endorsing that reaction. I’m just saying that’s what people will do.

People will respond positively to this now, but when the next GTA rolls out and it’s merely “moderately sized” rather than a sprawling work on the scale of GTA5, I’m willing to bet fans explode with anger instead of appreciating how these changes have shielded the well-being of Rockstar employees.

Game of Thrones and Final Fantasy Tactics both draw a great deal of inspiration from the historical War of the Roses and add some fantasy/supernatural elements, which explains the narrative similarities between the two.

Game of Thrones and Final Fantasy Tactics both draw a great deal of inspiration from the historical War of the Roses

This is an extremely psychologically revealing article.

Worse than XIII? Or II?

Worse than XIII? Or II?

My nomination is Final Fantasy IX:

My nomination is Final Fantasy IX:

Legend of Dragoon was great, but for an even more salient example: Final Fantasy has done this before! (FF5 spoilers): Galuf dies and is immediately replaced by his granddaughter, who has all his abilities. There’s definitely precedent for this idea in the FF universe.

Presumably he means his money.

This is what BioWare attempted to do with Mass Effect: Andromeda. The results were terrible to the point where many, many reviews specifically panned the facial animations as a low point of the game. The technology just isn’t there yet.

It isn’t censorship. No one is coming in and telling them that use of the word “corona” is immoral. They’re simply making an editorial decision that changing the name might make it a better product given changed circumstances. Not everything is a censorship conspiracy.

Update: 3/27/2020, 7:30 p.m. EST”

Brown butter. If you’ve never browned butter, it’s easier than you think. Just plop some in a pan over low heat until it gets brown and nutty. Spaghetti with brown butter is delicious. Bucatini, fettucini, and linguine also go great with it. Add some salt, a little olive oil, and if you have it lying around, some red

Fell Seal is great (though I’m not a huge fan of the art style) as is Children of Zodiarcs. Grand Guilds, which releases tomorrow, also looks like a promising FFT style game.

I think you overestimate the thoughtfulness and underestimate the callousness of these idiots. When that happens, they’ll find a way to blame the Democrats or the Chinese. Trump is already laying the groundwork for that.

Wasn’t Signs an alien invasion story rather than an alien abduction story?

For starters, it’s approximately 34 times more likely to kill you than the seasonal flu, and that’s assuming you’re a person of average health.

He’s never going to spend a day in prison. He’ll be in that recliner in Bellevue until the appeal court says he can have bail until his appeal resolves. That’ll keep him out of custody for the rest of his life.