
kerosene is basically diesel.  they are very close chemically, in viscosity and in ignition properties.

JP-5 is the Navy’s JP-8.  higher flame point is the primary difference IIRC.

they all can if that is all they can get (the ground vehicles anyway), but by standardizing on one fuel for everything from airplanes, to helicopters to tanks to jeeps to generators, they simplify their logistics massively. they only have to bring one fuel to war. you can fill anything off the same tanker...

they also

people who don’t understand military fuel insist on calling JP-8 “Jet Fuel” and while the JP stands for Jet Propellant due to outdated nomenclature, JP-8 is actually used in much larger volume by the Army as a ground vehicle fuel.

an awful lot of the material properties of stainless (or any other steel) are controlled by the temper and heat treating process. annealed SS is not enormously more difficult to shape than typical mild steel used in most car bodies. the welding processes are different but not in anyway unusual or groundbreaking. just

corporations calculate the “time value” of money: you want to hold assets for as short a time as possible. every minute that a product is on a ship instead of being sold costs money.

All Quiet on the Western Front is the 3rd edition of the movie.

I find it works better to recirc, because the A/C dehumidifies the inside air, then when I turn the temp and air down after things have cleared up, they don’t immediately fog up again because the interior moisture is gone.

you are just feeding this shitbag clicks.

I should have qualified “more passenger weight”

drag reduction == either more weight or more miles for the same fuel.

being more efficient means they can carry more weight for the same fuel.  that weight would be more passengers.

It isn’t that they are more concerned. It is their _only_ concern.

profit margin.

the US Domestic airline fleet, far from the most modern in the world, averaged 58MPG/per passenger revenue mile in 2018 (source: )

Welcome to Nightvale has been phoning it in for a long time now. last time I listened to it and it was anything even remotely new was a couple years ago with the time war.

Jeddah is not even remotely the worst track or race in the championship.  it has had some fantastic racing and is visually interesting.  plus a mid race missile attack really livens things up.  yes, Saudi’s politics suck, but yeah, its F1.  if they could make a buck in NorKo, they’d be there next week.

Monaco is an

per capita, a voter in Wyoming or the Dakotas has ~7x the voting power of a voter in California when it comes to electing presidents, 1.5x the voting power in the house and 78.5x in the senate

thermal electric stoves suck, whether they are old school resistor stoves or the more modern glass top ones.

oysters? here’s a rock full of snot, I dare you to eat it!
sea urchin? here, eat the gonads of this sharp rock!
geoduck? here’s a penis, slice it up and eat it!