ok, I’m cool with that too. and just because people routinely break the law, doesn’t mean it should be facilitated by auto manufacturers and government turning a blind eye.
ok, I’m cool with that too. and just because people routinely break the law, doesn’t mean it should be facilitated by auto manufacturers and government turning a blind eye.
I could live with that (and many pedestrians would too)
misleading headline or what?
I am continually amazed that somehow people think they have the right to a car that can go 200mph on public roads.
don’t blame ford for this.
as long as you are happy with no horsepower, oil leaks, replacing head gaskets and 12 MPG, sure.
the Honda CBX & the Ford 300
there are massive stretches of interstate highway in america that are screaming for HSR down the divider.
yes there was, were you not paying attention for the last few weeks where all they could talk about was somehow the Merc CEO knew even before the FIA that RB blew the cost cap? no shenanigans there though....
meh, Hamilton should have been DQ’d from silverstone last year and Merc abused the engine rules by bringing 7 extra engines (cost cap much?) in the last 5 races between Ham and Bot for explicit performance advantage, not due to engine failure. Merc also had extremely bendy front wings which for some reason regulators…
the explicit wording of the regs is not a loophole.
either incredible naive or willfully ignorant. either choice is not a good look.
so you are saying the company that has been funded nearly 100% by the DoD and has been demoing their tech with the army for 10 years suddenly doesn’t want their stuff to be weaponized?
so the real questions here are “does Toto have a real source” & “if so, who is it?” because _all_ of the info is supposed to be completely confidential.
or people could buy a small house and fix it up and stop renting from slumlords and spending stupid money on a car for prestige.
yes, but the point is, for the vast majority of americans $50k for a car is not affordable, much less $71k
the average price of a new car is highly distorted right now by morons and greed.
$71k is not affordable.
It bothers me to no end that they named it Mustang.
life. in prison. without possibility of parole.