Too Grey to Function

Oh hey, oversimplification and ad hominem argument—unsurprised to see that you’ve turned up!

I am, as I’ve said to others, totally open to having my position on this whole thing changed, but I’d need something more substantial than name-calling lobbed at me to make that shift.

If you want to make the argument for

Wesley Snipes is shaking his head right now.

That’s a measured, mature response that no doubt will cause me to carefully consider your point of view rather than dismiss you as a ranting troll.

You are literally a cartoon.

But he knows the names of all the regulars and talks about them to his ‘work friends’.

...jesus, does he owe you money or something? Rein it in there.

Hold on, I’ll let you know when our gov’t grinds to a halt here shortly and see how that goes.

It shouldn’t be providing services by using any outside vendors at all, actually. Because, you see, privatization is bad.

In fact, he’s had the solution all along: Nationalize ‘em.

You both disgust me.

A lot of my trans friends are all over supporting her and it makes me sad.
As a trans woman, I wish she would just sit down, shut up and enjoy her newly found life.
Her policies are terrible, she has zero qualifications and no matter what good came of it, zero evidence points to her releasing the data for moral reasons

Why are you promoting this trash? She’s a criminal - whose acts were explicitly harmful to our national security. The fact that in America she can even legally run for candidacy is absurd. And the fact that you’re promoting her? Add it to your trash pile of writing.

That depends on what you classify racist.

I’m going to question the mental acuity of anyone that votes for Manning with a similar prejudice as a Trump voter.

Working in finance for a very large public corporation I can confirm that most companies are still trying to figure out what the hell tax reform actually means to them in actual dollar terms. There are many far flung accounting impacts that are yet to be tied down and the accounting standard setters are still in the

Another day, another company announcing they will be increasing comp for their employees because of the tax cuts, another outrage post from Splinter about how it’s not enough.

When this bill first passed, there were some articles floating around in the days immediately after saying this and that major company were icreasing wages or paying out bonuses. I can actually speak to one of those companies personally as I work there, but in nearly every case, that news was flat out wrong as:
A: no

I was waiting for this piece to end with, “Starting tomorrow.” After 820 words talking about the exhaustion from the conversation, we arrive at “How to not think about...”

Good lord. Get therapy.