Not yet, anyway. I mean, we are talking about Illinois politics. *Laugh cries*
Not yet, anyway. I mean, we are talking about Illinois politics. *Laugh cries*
While I don’t doubt the real issues with those who identify as Transgendered or non-gender confirming, I do feel that some teenagers may be identifying themselves that way because teens tend to follow. They see celebs, reality TV stars, and others undergoing legitimate transitions. They feel they have to follow. …
If being slightly late for a sporting event makes your “life miserable” then that is one hell of a skewed view on life.
Jesus Christ himself. 😘
You sound like a nasty person. Go somewhere else, like ANYWHERE else, and use your negativity and rotten attitude to bring down an atmosphere that still probably wouldn’t deserve it.
“This is not racism, it’s prejudice.”
I’m just shocked that a “hip” restaurant with “progressives” on the LES is a hotbed of racism.
If only more women and POC would take over the positions of power held by mediocre, racist, sexist white men, the world would be a better place. Racism, sexism, homophobia would be a thing of the past...oh wait:
This is kind of a non-story. She sold the rights, she no longer owns it. She is getting paid for the work she currently does on the project.
It’s not immigration that is a threat to the country, it’s ILLEGAL immigration. They are ILLEGALS. You libtards just can’t seem to get this straight.
I hate that Orange bastard, but he’s right. His job is to protect Americans.
You could write hundreds of articles about horrific crimes by illegals to upstanding citizens but you chose to write this. Good job
I’m not quite sure I understand. They are doing their job and were doing it with the same zeal during the past presidencies where little comment was made. Certainly nowhere near the level of hysteria as there is here now.
At the end of the day, your country has laws. These people are simply enforcing the laws and are…
Ugh. Too many factual inaccuracies.
I knew the Tom Landry one, but only because I watched King of The Hill while it was still airing. I tell ya h’wat.
In the same way you can get ribs at Burger King for a dollar. Ribs is ribs right?
Your feelings do not negate facts my friend.
This is good....companies need to be following the law. Keep it up.