This whole article is why this time last year I made a vow to stop hanging out with broke people, and when I tell you that shit CHANGED my life. Guuuuurlll.
This whole article is why this time last year I made a vow to stop hanging out with broke people, and when I tell you that shit CHANGED my life. Guuuuurlll.
This really isn’t a “baby version” of the HQ 2.0. The new headquarters will in fact bring jobs to a city because of the type of jobs involved (professionals, educated, not unskilled labor like a warehouse).
more dead horse for dinner tonight at the Nolan household
I’m shocked, shocked I say, that Amy Schumer is still a thing.
It is possible that the jobs created in the warehousing and storage sector are offset by job losses in other industries...
Remember, it’s not the guillotine that’s so expensive, it’s the replacement blades.
Regret for an abortion is rare; a 2015 study found that over 99 percent of people who had an abortion were happy with that decision
Well, they are public (state) employees, so they don’t enjoy the level of protection that private employees do. FOIA and all that.
Echo chambers are the new normal. There’s no such thing as nuance or complexity, and there’s no reason to ever listen to people with whom you feel like you disagree. If you don’t like what someone says, that person is automatically a troll.
Are we really deleting any comment from people who do not believe that Ansari was guilty of the crime of sexual assault? C’mon.
Japanese American History is also American History. But when we refer to Japanese american history we usually call it american history. When we refer to African american history or black history, that’s how we usually call it. I don’t see how that’s going to change, when it’s actively being separated across the board…
I know this post is about warehouses. It is the last paragraph that I take issue with.
I read and commented on yesterday’s article. This article is using a report that exclusively talks about fulfillment centers to criticize tax breaks for a second corporate HQ. My contention is these are two different things. The economic benefits of creating a corporate HQ staffed by engineers and project managers…
“No no, Republican lawmakers are the real rioting arsonists trying to forcefully deplatform different viewpoints in academia”
I liked Hamilton when he was trying to kill off Chobani yogurt. Not quite God’s work but it was more amusing.
So with giant corporations like Amazon using their capital and resources to kill off their smaller competitors and thus the jobs lost from those competitors closing, not to mention the rise of automation that will take away even more low skill retail jobs..
If editors would bother reading beyond their quoted study’s abstract, they would find that the percentage of participants who didn’t express regret was actually 95%, not 99% (they misquoted a different statistic), which is a small, but significant difference. [Insert Archer meme: “Are you trying to invite fake news…
Donny’s legal bill was $1 million for three months. Probably a lot more over the whole year.
Is it PC for me to say that I don’t give a shit? ‘Cause I don’t. Tump is what he is, a fucking pawn that wants nothing more than validation. It’s dangerous, sure, but to think he’s more influential than anyone else is dangerous.
Somewhat unrelated, but notice how in this article - written by a Latin American - there is no use of the term “Latinx.” Can we get Isha Aran in here to discuss? She’s gonna be pissed.