Too Grey to Function

Man, you really hate success.

I had totally missed that story. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention. Apparently this is a braver stance than I had realized.

Wouldn’t it be El Salvador that’s supplying them?

Thank you-I thought I might be the only one scratching my head.

Probably because Trump has made worrying about illegals crossing the new social commentary fad so I don’t blame them trying to get as much attention as they possibly can before people move onto some other cause for 5 seconds and the deaths continue.

Go Jags!

lmao part of me really wishes HamNo had written this just to read him railing on about the need for collective bargaining rights for death drops being covered under socialized health insurance

Their argument is that doing gender reassignment surgery *is* doing harm; that the patient would be better off with therapy to fix their “confusion.” In the abortion case, of course, they are “murdering a baby,” which is doing harm.

I know that this really has nothing to do with the issue at hand, but that photo with the Mexican flag being waived while asking for to stay in the U. S. is not really going to help the cause.

yeah, I’m working on it slowly, basically doing pullups assisted until I get to fail on one plate, then working my way slowly up to complete sets of 10. I’ll get there. It’s the only upper body thing I’m really interested in doing.

Or that they’d be search lights.

Methamphetamine isn’t going to be your go-to drug of choice if you’re trying to “deal with PTSD.” Meth is probably the quintessential exact opposite of, say, Marijuana, which is actually prescribed for PTSD (or rather, THC is in some states, medicinal Marijuana where it’s legal). Meth will keep you up for days on end

The KPLR article says it was a headlight that was out and he was pulled over in the Ellendale neighborhood of Saint Louis City on Manchester Road.

Um, I’m clearly on “the something” side of the coin. I’ve never been an ideological purist. I’m a pragmatic realist.

The number of “progressives” who when posed with the choice of “something” or “nothing” that without hesitation choose “nothing” are staggering.

I realize that I am splitting hairs here and that this is terrible no matter what you call it, but this strikes me as more of a rebuke of the law than a challenge to it. There’s nothing the federal government can do to actually overturn this law and force California to cooperate with ICE, but by the same token, there

“Half a loaf is better than none” has lost its meaning. Now it’s all or nothing.


Im okay with this, just get it done before the Dems continue using people like me as pawns for their political agenda

I dislike this shitstain of an animal as much as anyone, but I really don’t care if a president is capable of passing a fitness test. Would we be pulling this on John McCain? How about FDR?