She’s well, thank you.
She’s well, thank you.
I’m sure the Walton family will take this post to heart and hand control of the Walmart Corporation to one of their qualified greeters. I hear that person got their MBA from a correspondence school that advertised during the heyday of Duck Dynasty.
“Even when you can find a qualified child to take over for a parent, there is the issue of justice. Handing off control of important things to people solely because they are related to someone is unjust.”
Yeah, but Orcs are shunned because Orcs in the past chose the dark side. That’s why the comparison to Black people doesn’t work. We as a group didn’t “choose” anything or do anything wrong to deserve our treatment and position.
Sure, that’s true. But do you think that none of them were likely justified? I find that...unlikely.
I see outrage culture is still alive and well for 2018. I swear some people seem to get off at being outraged.
You are conflating ‘police killings’ with ‘wrongful police killings’. Some of the killings are justifiable, and some are not. It’s an important distinction that should not be ignored.
As a long-time Chappelle fan, I watched it too, and as you point out he tries to tie his jokes into larger philosophical points, which is really impressive for a comic to be that smart, as opposed to the standard schlock about airline food. #SeinfeldShade
Why would this article mention that? That would take this article out of the realm of snark and inch it towards journalism and we can’t have that now can we?
I assume they are talking about what happened after she turned the ship around. I’ve seen the silence mentioned elsewhere wrt that.
A fool and his money....but it is his money. I hope this makes him happy.
I didn’t even notice it went quiet. Am I the only one?
It helps when you change the definition of “deporting.”
Better news, the illegal aliens in prison awaiting a hearing can end there incarceration by pleading guilty and accepting deportation.
I ended up with a 01 accent from 2007 to 2014 and I fucking loved that car. It was stick shift and a grand example of being a car thats just there for you.
Ouch, but true lol. It’s not a car you want, but a car you sorta end up with.
I can imagine the call...
I mean, if a Hyundai Accent is one’s benchmark for car technology...