that would be a DUI.
that would be a DUI.
I actually got a bonus and a raise. I’m pretty excited about it. I have nothing else of value to offer but at least some of us are benefitting :D. Happy New Year!
Maybe that’s how most jobs are, my sheltered arrogant friend. (just joking about the friend part, asshole)
I doubt my sanity is worth a 1k “annual bonus”.
Obviously the type that doesn’t get Christmas Bonuses
What’s this Christmas Bonus you speak of? I have never seen one during my working life.
Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.
Yep. This basic fact seems to elude socialists.
As I type from my good, but miserable job, I promise you most jobs need incentives to be completed.
She’s a socialist. And like all socialists she’s sympathetic to freeriders and believes people don’t need incentives to do things.
Takeaways from this article:
Yeah, and plenty of people criticized Hollywood then too. And the criticism wasn’t dismissed as anti-male sexism.
And The Hulk, and all the various Supermans and Batmans.
No, I’m sure they watch TONS of porn.
As you likely know, exceptions or aberrations from a rule do not disprove it. People born with nine fingers do not disprove the normal development and morphology of humans having ten fingers.
When people have a medical abnormality, that’s an anomaly, not a break to the binary. There is no spectrum for biological sex, just failed mutations. That doesn’t mean you should treat people with medical abnormalities poorly, it just means that we are a sexually dymorphic species and dumb people shouldn’t explain…
I’ll use whatever the hell I want to use, what a ridiculous society to try to tip toe around hurting feelings. People need to grow up.
Here are some other gender-neutral pronouns that people might request you use:
Thank you for saying this. It’s so fucking dumb.
“I’m Nicole, and my pronouns are she/her.”