too dressy for this town

Yeah, sorry, it’s a weird health care industry way of saying it.

Before we all ragepoop our pants over the survey results, please, please, please take a deep breath and go read the rest of the survey.

I could never rise to Monica Lewinsky’s level of magnanimity.

She had a crappy place in history. But not pancreatic cancer crappy.



All stars for you. People (meaning us white people) should educate themselves about the shit black girls have to grow up with in America regarding their hair. It really is a thing.

In my city black people (my fucking people) account for 70% of all COVID-19 deaths. Is this on my mind right now? Yes. Am I allowed to take a break from the constant bombardment of articles about the statistical probability of my impending death by reading and enjoying content that sympathetically addresses my daily

And you’ve banged on about it at least 3 times.

Why the FUCK did I read the comments??? The entitlement is strong on this thread.

Well s/he’s British and they’re never racist. *snort*

If you’d like to cheer yourself up during this time of interrupted grooming, you can watch people’s botox and fillers wear off. Soon we’ll see how everyone really looks. 

Well fuck me I guess, I thought the article was interesting, even in the midst of this global disaster.

Interestingly, Jezebel has done pieces about anti-Asian racism, including one by the writer of this article. Curious why you’re framing it as an either/or situation when you can clearly find those articles at this site.

And what I said negates

This comment section, however, is Karen central.

You do realize there are black women out there who are essential workers and are putting themselves at risk every single day as this pandemic carries on who still think about their hair, right?

Every single covid-19 article must be about death rate and abject suffering, never about how it’s impacting other aspects of people’s day to day lives or routines.

lol did Ashley ever say COVID isn’t serious and people aren’t dying? No. She’s writing a story about how a subset of people are affected by shelter in place orders and the pressure Black women face regarding their hair and appearance. What, you want every single article put out by Jezebel to be about how many more

Black people can worry about the state of a global pandemic and their hair breaking off at the same time.