too dressy for this town

Yeah, it’s basically a party to tell all your friends and family about your child’s genitals. The concept is kind of creepy when you think about it.

Totally agree with this. I felt like I had two heads when I was pregnant based on the way people looked at me when I said we didn't know, and nor did we want to, find out the sex of the baby. I realllllly didn't want anyone giving us gendered things and am so glad everything we bought ourselves and got given I'd

Given that everyone dies at exactly once, and that everyone dies of one cause (at least officially), I don’t worry so much that Black people die of one thing or another at a higher rate than white people. I care that they die younger than white people of every cause you can think of. Statistically, Black people get

gender reveals is stupid 

It is for Israel.

I don’t like your tone.

We all get used to our routines.

I have a three year old who is by far the best thing in my life. He’s a constant source of joy, a wonderful little weirdo, and it’s hard for me to remember what life was like before he was born. That said, being a parent is hard. I don’t find it hard in the same way that I think many other parents find it hard. I

I think the thing with kids is that it’s a situation of extremes. There’s a lot of good and bad. Like, you do have to give up a whole lot. It’s a massive change of life. It’s only human to miss that, and to talk about missing that. On the other hand, many parents get so much fulfillment from their kids, even if the

It’s definitely fine to send medical supplies to another country in a pandemic, that’s what people should be doing, and china’s been returning the favor, but if you send supplies, you need to ramp up your inhouse production instead of blaming it on Obama.

Well, that’s the other thing. OK, send humanitarian medical supplies to China to help them deal with their outbreak. But did Trump or any of his administration take the initiative to resupply the deficit and ramp-up production for a  possible outbreak?

Okay, but remember that time when a whole bunch of Germans murdered a whole bunch of other Germans? Pretty sure they all viscerally felt/witnessed that human cost. Pretty sure it didn’t matter.

Who is cutting up all of these onions???

Sadly, they’ll bounce back stronger than ever.

Jesus, Joan. This is both the most beautiful and most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a long time.

I’m not crying, you’re crying (sniff, sniff). That made my day.

None of the grocery stores here have bananas. I did find one bottle of hand soap, but of course no hand sanitizer, chlorox wipes, or toilet paper.

I badly planned my quarterly TP purchase for right now (single, small apartment, Costco buy) and I’m quite literally SOL. I have 3 rolls left and feel like that should do for a bit but was thinking if I have to revert to using paper towels, which I have a Costco-amount of, I would have to go the Euro route and put the

Not to worry. I’m sure someone will figure out some other investigation that she just has to be subpoenaed for. It is critical that she never stop serving as an example of just what happens if you embarrass the American government and military. 

Hillary Clinton received more votes than anybody not named Barack Obama in the history of human democracy. This was a discouraging outcome, and you can’t discount the role sexism played in it (obviously). Warren also could have run with a smarter campaign strategy.