too dressy for this town

The self-proclaimed “leadership” on our campus has encouraged us to “pivot” to research on the pandemic. That way we’ll look like we’re doing something that is beneficial to our patrons when we should instead be focusing on the getting up to speed on the next big thing other than global pandemic that will wallop us.

When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our safety.

Countess Sophie?  Do remind me, love, to which of the inbreds is she married?

In my lifetime, the worst race ever run was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.  

Looking at Madge’s brocade suit in the photo accompanying this article all I could think is that she’s just a BeDazzler away from going full Porter Wagoner. And then I see the video you posted. I mean what’s next? Headlining a show with Toby Keith at an Indian casino near you?

“actively transitioning” = dying?? 

I doubt I could ever really comprehend what is it is like for black women and their hair, but that’s certainly not a function of your fabulous prose.

I think that they are misspelling it. Shouldn’t it be ONAN?

Agreed. And it’s stupid that they call them “gender” reveals when they are really “sex” reveals, so technically, Ms. Perry will be having a baby female.

Dax Shepard = Frito Pendejo 

This is the method recommended by the OMB. They ask about ethnicity before race, otherwise those who ID as Hispanic are much more likely to claim “Other” as their race because Hispanic isn’t listed as a race. This goes back to the 1997 revisions of OMB Directive 15 (see:

♪ . . . many good days go by . . . .  :)

Most of the civilized world is parliamentary, so that’s an understandable goof-up. The only reason I knew about Indonesia is that I listen to way too much Australian public broadcasting (their ‘ABC’) for my own good — and they devote considerable attention to their sizable neighbor to the north. And Joko Widodo is the

Hillary Clinton received more votes than anybody not named Barack Obama in the history of human democracy

and smaller pores:


For those who have forgotten, or don’t want to think about this. Excellent article in THR upon his retirement, regarding our society’s tendency to look the other way when our sports idols commit violence against women:

How are we supposed to act?

So true; I’ve decided it’s exhausting always trying to be clever.  

The Washington “Vancouver” was Vancouver long before the syrup slurppers started using the name.