too dressy for this town

I wonder, why do we call cow meat “beef” and pig meat “pork”?  Maybe so that we don’t think of what we are eating?  

Mainly because of my rather non-diminutive feet, I do this with shoes; when I find a pair I like I’ll buy 3 or 4 pair because somehow I’ve convinced myself that they’ll never make a cute pair of shoes in my size ever again. I’m not quite Emelda Marcosian, but I’m all set if there is ever a 1990s fashion revival.

They are probably all confused with the Bowling Green massacre.

I would love to see the Aunt Lydia backstory, but I’m not holding my breath.

Maybe because racism?

“After careful review, this office has declined to pursue charges against her”

Finding reliable data on sex trafficking is difficult, but according to the FBI’s most recent data there were 65 human trafficking incidents reported in Florida in 2017. Fifty-one resulted in “clearances” (which generally means arrests and charges) and zero people were charged with trafficking minors.

Too much circles going on there.  I think a cat eye frame would have made it a bit less . . . nauseating?

Seriously.... who does he think he is just making money out of thin air?  The Federal Reserve?

They ain’t cowboys; them’s Donnie’s Rexall Rangers.

Because in Texas, gender identity isn’t recognized as a basis for hate crimes.

OMG, I’m a total shower crier also.

Kamala Harris reminds everyone to celebrate step-mothers this week, reveals her step-children call her Momala, which is very cute. 

Found some rib-eyes to throw on the BBQ this evening.  Guaranteed to my Catholic neighbors insane.  

It’s been six years since I bought my condo, and I still haven’t hung a single thing on the wall. I thought I was just lazy/indecisive, but now I’m going to chalk it up to my having a “consistent aesthetic.

When I was in college - back in the long long ago - I scheduled my classes so that I wouldn’t miss All My Children. What I remember from then is how we thought Michael was trying to look like LaToya, not the other way around.  

I have a much-too-honest relative who works for the Admissions office of one of those aforementioned D-III schools. The number of six-figure bribes she’s had to turn down when she recruits in a certain south Asian country would make your head spin.