Gabbo is Coming

E for apple.

You really want sweaty palms? Here's a technician climbing a 1786-ft radio tower:

I've been in a Dolorous Haze, myself.

They have 2b grate, they got there own fan ficshun!


I was wondering what parallel universe the author was living in.

"You were always an asshole, Gorusch!" - PFC Vasquez, Aliens


Leno has indeed been on, and they actually didn't drive one of his cars, but a rented Porsche, but one that would appeal to Jay's preference for cars made of nothing but hand-hammered copper and leather.

"Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon (January 24, 1947 - September 7, 2003)

Shouldn't they get Skrewdriver out of retirement to play Trump's inaguration?

Even funnier:

It's more on the back burner until Scott's film is released, which is fine, really. Blomkamp's film seems the more interesting of the two but I can understand why Scott/Fox would want to stagger the two, especially if Blomkamp's film is likely to disregard the post-Aliens sequels, as to avoid too much confusion. I'm

It sounds better than "relaxed assault".

Dammit, I was hoping for a wax cylinder release.

I was cool before it was Post-Punk, myself.

Bernard turns out to be Kaiser Soze!

Presumably, the monster will learn what it means to love.

The AV Club - You need to get out more.