Gabbo is Coming

See men go nuts over trademark infringement.

If it doesn't cure miasmas then forget it.

Ah, the good old "tv show pump and dump".

That one weird trick, isn't.

What do you think of someone who just does the minimum amount of lens flair?

You should be wearing 37 pieces of lens flair, like Brian, for example.

What are these things you call "discs"? I think my dad had some of those when I was a kid.

Things got really weird in the later novels, when Soren and Draco started an intimate relationship:

Talk about loot cakes/my girl's got 'em/big bottom line's outta my mind/how could I leave money be-hi-hiiiind

Gimme a fackin' R!

"That's April Wine." "Play that Diane Sawyer song."

He hung out with Peart and the band at a show in Kansas City a few years ago, and "conducted" the string section they had with them on that tour.

I'm kind of surprised that Simmons hasn't yet tried to trademark the word "Rush".

NBC chews out Bush, then trims.

JO can be pretty messy, though.

That, macrame plant hangers, and latch-hook carpets as wall decor.

I'm fairly certain that watching The Wiz is the equivalent of being stoned. With rocks, not the good stuff.