Gabbo is Coming

The photo is credited to "Drew Angerer". From the look on Pharma Bro's face, I'd say Drew succeeded.

Wyman wrote a scathingly funny review of Keef's biography in 2010, one of the best pieces of music writing I've ever read:

Needs more Edie Falco, maybe.

I loved that show "The Fartalist". That French guy was great in "The Fartist".

Derf Backderf's next project is "My Friend Dorf", chronicling his shinless high school years.


This isn't really my TYPE of film. Get it, TYPE? GET IT? I got nuthin'.

He also still orders his pizza from Pizza.Net, too.

Saw Alien: Covenant yesterday, and it was…bizarre. That's
the best way I can describe it. Split the difference between Alien and
Prometheus, and was a parade of references to other Alien films ("Walk in the park!" opening titles and first film music, as well as a tossed off Blade Runner line ("That's the spirit!"). I

It's for album sales of 10 million or more.

I think Vangelis is the name of the artist you're looking for, not Tangerine Dream.

I did that once and suddenly learned how to make weapons out of a mastodon's rib cage.

Shit, our Powerpoint slides are corrupted! Call tech support! I saw the Seattle show on that tour and it was astoundingly great; the 3-D was surprisingly good, too.

As the wife of a United PR Manager, I can say that it was a situation that was escalated far beyond the boundaries of necessity. I know you're mad at United, but…

Jesus is, um, coming?

"Alright, listen up, Xenomorphs! I don't wanna see any of that acid-spitting, face-hugging bullshit up in here, I'm Kenny Fuckin' Powers and you're out and I'm fucking IN!"

I went to a Champs once and they thought I was Kenny Powers.

"This is just great, man, just great! Whatta we gonna do now? WHY DON'T YOU PUT HER IN CHARGE!"

"It feels like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants (aka "dick area")!"