Gabbo is Coming

Stirrup pants and leather Reebok high-tops, with a torn sweatshirt. Done.

No Serenity? I loved him as Mr. Universe.

No Serenity? I loved him as Mr. Universe.

Also, no Broken Social Scene? One of the absolute best live bands I've EVER seen, period. So great, and the fact that they were able to make such an unwieldy configuration work so well is worth a tip of the hat, or toque.

"Medieval Madness" for me, and not because the voices on the machine itself were recorded by Scott Adsit and Tina Fey.

At least there wasn't the obligatory Rush reference, though it IS a bit odd, considering the subject matter. See also Joni Mitchell and Neil Young. Also, This old combination of Rush and Max Webster probably didn't do anyone any favors:

Geez, let's see, "Navigating Flood Regions" is about my absolute favorite from the first decade of GBV, though he got so damned great for a very long while there that even keeping up with his amazing songs has become just too much work.

I'm not your Glau, Summer.

So Chelsea Peretti is postponing being Adele on social media because of a cold? Got it.

Taylor Negron was the model for Todd, recounted here:

Was it set in Russia? What a country!

Love the shout-out to his 70s costume at the beginning of the trailer.

I take that back, Grit is still going strong, and is filled with "Rural American Know-How".

I always wondered just who in the hell ever saw an issue of "Grit", much less agreed to subscribe to the damned thing. I'm not sure it ever existed, myself.

Any relation to this star of Horsin' Around?

Oh, yeah, it's effin' terrible and I've always been eternally grateful that they kept at it, 'cause what ended up in ST - The Motionless Picture is as iconic as they come, and is still my favorite ship design in Trek.

Yup, that's the one. I seriously didn't expect them to go that deep (thatswhatshesaid). Fun!

Boy, they're digging deep for the ship design. It so happens to be one of the early conceptual designs for the Enterprise, done for the scrapped Phase II project:

Lethal Weapon 5 was by far the worst entry in this or any other franchise.