Gabbo is Coming

"Listen up, Xenomorphs! I don't wanna see any of that acid-spitting, face-hugging bullshit or I'll have to go full-on Ripley all over your scaly asses. You're fuckin' out and I'm fuckin' IN."

Man, these CW superhero shows just keep getting weirder.

There was also a 70s episode where McLean Stevenson (god, I'm old) shared a terribly (well, by today's standards, anyway, and kinda by the standards of 1973, too) off-color joke about cruising the Sunset Strip, looking for some of that "free love" all the kids were into then, you know, like 5 years prior to 1973, and

My wife and I watch Carson reruns on this DTV graveyard every night and have been loving seeing such a wonderfully-random sampling of eras and guests. Last night's rerun had both Hulk Hogan's first appearance (and apparently the first national-airing of the term "Hulkmania", according to how many damned times Hogan

I'm not crying, you're crying. Shut up.

Non-action Richards action figure comes with vial of Merck cocaine and syringe of heroin.

I just listened to "&The Fall of The Mopsqueezer" the other day and was pleasantly surprised by how well it holds up. So fun and very much a Seattle record.

Nice! Thank you!

Great song!

Flop is also a NW-area band who, for someone who lived through the entire NW music explosion first-hand, very much represented the spirit of Seattle rock far better than the more famous ones we all know and love (or hate). "&The Fall of the Mopsqueezer!" is a stone-cold classic.

"Why Woody Allen needs a gay princess."

Kentucky's Finest Choads

At least Rob Schneider doesn't have a hand up his tuchas.

Two things I noticed about this week's episode were the effects that both Chuck's continued obsession with undermining Jimmy as a lawyer, and Kim's firm belief that her integrity and hard work alone will be enough to help her succeed, rather than being "colorful", like Jimmy, are having on their characters. When

Maybe he's in the pallet cleaning business.

What would the advantage be of brining a Toblerone? Does brining keep it moist during cooking? I'm confused.

I'm going to get ON his lawn.

2Blade 2Runner

"Oh, sh*t. I can’t do this. I’m about to have a f*cking panic attack. I need 4 Xanax, and 2 Miller Lites."

Great stuff, but reminds me a bit of a few acts that would be right at home on Permanent Records - Les Rita Mitsouko's "The No Comprendo", or even The Associates "Sulk". Those albums are some seriously out there stuff, while still ostensibly being categorized as pop.