Gabbo is Coming

I keep waiting for player piano rolls to make a comeback, myself.

I'm a star. I am a big, bright, shining star. That's right.

"You want a dick? I can get you a dick, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me." - The BIG BIG Lebowski

Why not an anal history? It is about a porn star, after all.

I'm the star. It's my big dick and I say when we roll.

I mean, I guess it could be some sort of joke about the "Lutervi", but I suppose that they're probably trying to highlight the "SLUT".

Is this some sort of rent-to-own couch detective?

Is is just me or is the Minnesota Vikings mascot wearing gloves that spell "SLUT" on the palms?

Dana Gould once said that APHC was "comedy adjacent", which is about as apt and hilarious a description of the show as I've ever seen, and the term "comedy adjacent" has now entered my lexicon of descriptive phrases.

"Little Twelve Toes" sounds quite a bit MORE eerie when done by Chavez:

Yeah, and the fight starts with Leia, who gets her ass kicked, then Luke jumps in and cuts Vader's arm off. Luke and Leia also get…intimate at some point, as it wasn't yet established that they're siblings.

The only EU novel I've ever read was Alan Dean Foster's "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", which was originally conceived as a screenplay to a low-rent SW sequel, in case the first film bombed at the box office. It's a weird one, and Lucas was actually involved in helping to shape the story, looking over Foster's

You know what it takes to be a spambot? It takes brass balls to be a spambot. "I was a spambot, tough racket *SWIG*"

You know what it takes to chop trees? It takes brass balls to chop trees.

Also loved the Bruce Gilbert collaboration with Angela Conway, under the name A.C. Marias. Lovely stuff.

I can't wait to see how many mainframes they have to hack into every week, since tee-vee land's idea of technology pretty much stops at "War Games".

Oh, absolutely. I'm old enough to remember both the "Captain America" TV movies (he wore a motorcycle helmet with wings on it, fer chrissakes) and the horrid one-off special "Legends of the Superheroes", so I suppose it could be worse.

What is it with modern film superhero costumes looking like they're made out of deflated kickballs?

It's a beautiful world we live in, a sweet romantic place. Beautiful people everywhere, the way they comb their hair makes me want to say…