Tony The Shoes

True—I was just playing the original Fallout, and man, the voice acting in that was really good. Granted, there was a relatively small amount, but it blew the current generation out of the water.

Yeah, but the important thing is that it was all reviewed by 'those of us who care deeply-perhaps even a little too much-about our music.'

"That’s because Rdio has been the online music repository that caters to those of us who care deeply—perhaps even a little too much—about our music. "

A game with sound as truly amazing as Fallout 4 deserved MUCH, MUCH better voice acting. Holy shit.

Underappreciated line.

But who has the titular line?

Her voice grates on me like sandpaper made of fingernails and chalkboards…

One complaint about the book—the author(s) sure like to use the phrase 'companionable silence' a whole lot…

Glad they didn't 'sexy up' the ships… the book states in pretty clear terms that most of the spacecraft in the universe are just blocky, ugly utilitarian affairs. For some reason, I always pictured Miller as much, much older…

SlingTV includes both, but they're actual streaming stations without On-Demand.

Cut the cord this fall. It's been great, and OTA+Roku has worked out for the most part. That said, the ONLY thing I miss is Jeopardy! because stupid 6ABC in stupid Philly has a stupid weak-ass low-VHF signal that requires a stupid aerial antenna that probably won't work, especially since my stupid house is

I'd always been a casual fan, but Sour Girl is one of those songs I remember not really paying much attention to until one afternoon when I was stoned out of my mind. It came on and man, that song is near-perfect. Beautiful guitar work going on in the chorus. RIP.

How DARE you disparage Carnosaur!

Poor Jay—what did he ever do to deserve mocking?


Had one tiny little bug where a line of dialogue cut off abruptly, but other than that, the game has run great on my PS4—even the 'frame rate drops' people were shitting their pants over have been minimal, even during heavy combat.

I can see that side of it, too—I did still get some laughs from the show. I just see more misses now than I did then. And I agree totally—when it does miss, it's almost epic.

I loved Mr. Show back in the day, but I've been rewatching them (they're all on Youtube, which is pretty cool), and I don't think it has aged well at all. Strangely, I find the same thing with Curb Your Enthusiasm. Loved it then, absolutely can't stand it now.

"Look, I have one job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it, okay?"