Tony The Shoes

Not a good movie to watch while eating pizza. Learned the hard way.

I hope this makes a better movie than the book was. I didn't get the hype.

Whew. It might tear him away from writing more horrible 'The Strain' books…

Are you going off to see the football match, old chap? It will be a cracking good show!

We were buddies, AV Club. You, me, and Symmetry Bob. You know what they did to Symmetry, huh?

Hey, I heard symmetry was dead.

Just finished The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell—it wasn't his greatest, but still pretty damn good. I read a lot—about 30 books a year or so. I'm addicted to books and baseball.

Listening to Stabbing Westward as we speak…

I play fantasy football, but I also hate fantasy football. Someone please save me from myself…

I was in Parkersburg, WV at the time, so really, I was practically in the WTC when it happened…

Spock, sabotaage the system.

Is it pronounced MAIRah, MAWrah, or MUHrah (or mairAH, mawRAH, or muhRAH?)…

This kind of postponement happens all the time. Hell, that terrible Ryan Gosling/Emma Stones gangster movie had an entire scene recut in the wake of the theater shooting in Colorado.

"…it’s a good reminder of […] how dangerous instantaneous reactions can be…"

I'm not entirely sure this petition wasn't started by the studio itself to drum up some buzz…

Petition to recut The Wizard of Oz so the color portions are in black and white, and the black and white portions are in color.

In the future, Bond will be played by a drone in a tuxedo.

I'm actually sort of surprised they keep making Bond movies at all… I'd think at this point, most espionage consists of a bunch of people sitting in front of computers.

I really have nothing else to say to you other than I admire your incredible ability to be super-sensitive and read huge amounts of nonsense into a comment made by someone you don't know.

It's okay, I have a dolphin friend.