Tony The Shoes

Maybe they could hire Emma Stone as their new Asian correspondent. Worked for Aloha…

Until they add a sentient trilingual dolphin, I refuse to watch. Diversity much, TDS?

Do youts still say 'phat' anymore?

Taylor Swift looks like a bitchy microphone stand.

I <3 vanilla pudding

Don't forget 'Scorpio' by Dennis Coffey:

The REAL problem with hotel porn is that they never seem to have the first movie of a series—what if Ass Blasters 7 contains spoilers of the first 6? Then what? Dammit.

Yes and D&D makes Tom Hanks kill people…

Ever since those damned kids didn't get off his lawn… True story, my grandma, who lived outside of Pittsburgh, once said that 'the Mob' (it was always 'the Mob'), had a giant magnet in the top of the Pittsburgh Paint and Glass building, which they would use to pull the cars of their enemies off the road and into the

Rejected Price is Right Game:

AV Club commenters just won… A NEW CAR!

Auto-correct… more like NOT-O-CORRECT!!!

If there's one thing I know, it's science… and math… and the words to every Monty Python routine.

"Pardon me?"


Well as long as Apple says it's okay…

Haven't we hit peak mash-up yet?

I can't even believe I'm feeding trolls over this subject. Luckily, I'm at work so I don't have time to continue this right now, because if I did, my teeth would probably turn around in my skull and try to eat my brains.

You're right, nobody thought of doing a 4-on-the-floor rhythm until some jerkoff with a drum machine figured out how lay that complicated pattern down on the sequencer.

All the twee bullshit 'alternative' music these days wouldn't even exist without the template the Beatles put forth 50 years ago. But judging by your 'club' comment further down the line, I'll go head and point out that your shitty dance music wouldn't exist without songs like Tomorrow Never Knows.