Tony Snark

Let them stay in Jacksonville.

I don’t root for that school in Tuscaloosa; I don’t claim them at all.

Hey, I don’t root for anything about the SEC, so don’t throw that shit on me.

Don’t you dare! What did we do in Alabama to deserve the Jags?

This article made me happy, which means I’m going to make my wife VERY happy.

First, you’re wrong.

I am getting such joy from this that it’s almost embarrassing.

He was standing his ground; he felt threatened by the building.

This just in:


I remember watching Reggie Barlow do work at Alabama State; he was a fantastic receiver who needed a better quarterback than Alcede Surtain. I was happy he went to the pros, even though he was basically a journeyman receiver.

Yep! It’s what they do best!

Yeah, I’m done. It’s not gonna be an easy feat to remove the vestiges of this team from my conscious, but...until the mini moron Snyder is gone (which will probably be never), this team will be forever considered mud to me.

Fuck these oblivious, tone deaf motherfuckers! What the fuck is wrong with them?! Don’t they have someone who’s not a sycophant that will say, “This may not be a good idea?”

I have such a hate-love relationship with this team that I want them to go 0-16 in perpetuity. I keep hoping for Daniel Snyder to go full Donald Sterling so he can be forced to lose the team and we can get a competent owner in.

I know that, but thanks for the reminder.

This is true. Cousins did a better job than I gave him credit for; although, Gruden’s playcalling was so conservative, Dick Cheney thought it was a disgrace.

Gotta start somewhere.

...and, in typical Washington fashion, they squandered that ability, and are now deteriorating down the stretch.

Nice logo timing by the TV crew, too.