Tony Snark

At least you still have a college team; I don’t even have that!

Every time I think this team can’t make me hate myself for rooting for them anymore than I already do, they manage to pull some more stupid shit out of their asses.


Really?! Oh, for fuck’s sake...

Honestly...I’d rather start over. Not like the team hasn’t done it before.

Who? Not this one!

As a Washington fan, I wish RGIII the best. If it’s in Washington, then that’s fine. If not, then that’s fine, too. a Washington fan, I wish Dan Snyder would fall off the face of the earth.

I wear my veteran’s status as a badge of honor. I look at people like this who use it to be asshats as morally bankrupt individuals who need to be flogged in public.

Seventeen is about as relevant as the Jacksonville Jaguars. Both need to go away.

Gotdamn it...

It’ll still be a three-win team; it just makes the three wins different.

Washington was missing Trent Williams and the rest of their offensive line is made of paper

I haven’t played in a while, and this is enticing me to come back into the fray. The big question for me is will I have to buy the DLC in order to really absorb all of this goodness?

I read it again. The “mother” and daughter had that conversation.

Someone doesn’t have a sense of humor...


Pocket Casts does the same thing. It even pauses when any notification comes up. I’ve been using them for years now, and I love it.

THAT shit set off my irate manager’s button. Fuck that lady and everything she stands for. I hope her daughter defies her parenting and grows up to be a decent human being, because her mother certainly isn’t.

The halls of ESPN are filled with splooge. They’ve got their lead story for the next six months now.

See ya next year, Niles. Maybe the team will be...never mind.