Is the “Why Your Team Sucks” segment on a temporary hiatus, or is it more permanent?
Is the “Why Your Team Sucks” segment on a temporary hiatus, or is it more permanent?
I am a fan of this team. I have been a fan for almost 28 years. My fandom is hanging on by a thread right now.
I was watching PTI this afternoon, and when Whitlock came on during the Mail Time segment, I immediately turned off the TV. I haven’t liked him since the whole Ben Roethlisberger kerfuffle.
I’ve really missed these articles. They bring a great deal of joy to a humorless summer.
The games are on ESPN2 on Thursdays and Fridays before shifting to ESPN3 for the Saturday and Sunday games. I believe they all shift to ESPN3 when the NFL season kicks off.
As much as it pains me to say this, because I enjoy both of them, this may begin to signal the end of the Kornheiser-Wilbon dynamic on PTI. I’d rather they get rid of the blowhard Jason Whitlock, though.
That Ultimates lineup makes me so happy.
Every time I see a post about a shitty manager, I just want to jump through the computer. I’m of the belief that a manager’s job is to take care of both the customer without belittling the staff, and vice versa. I have vehemently defended a server to an irate customer - even if I have reason to believe the server did…
This gotdamn idiot...
The jerseys are great. Too bad the team is putrid.
I freely admit that I’m a bad person for this, but I laughed my ass off at that.
Did they remove Dan Snyder’s seat?
This makes me extremely happy for reasons that should be pointedly clear.
Navy vet here.
So far, this seems like a fun little game to kill time with. Works for me.
I hope you got that pizza finally.
Couldn't have happened to a bigger asshole.
Earth. Shattering. Kaboom.
Don't forget about those idiots on cross-country skis when it snows.
Never thought I'd see loyal Littles on Deadspin!