
This has to be the most poorly proportioned vehicle in history. I know the last USPS truck was purely utilitarian and therefore perhaps not handsome, but visually it was balanced. This is just an assault on the eyes. It looks like a bad photoshop job at extending the windshield. I have to believe that the designers

This just hurts so much.  She was awesome.  This leaves a huge hole in the world of motorsports.  That video montage by Mr. Madden had me really crying.  You are an amazing force Jessi!  Rest in peace. Family and friends in the thoughts of the entire MS world.

It seems crazy to me to suggest that the public will respond worse to lying about emissions than being responsible for human deaths. The short term for this will indeed be devastating for VW, but if all the other mfgrs can weather the crazy recall storms of the last couple of years, then this will likely go away too.

If you spend any time at all in Italy, you see Harleys all over the place. I think this sort of thing is an in-their-face reminder of just how popular big cruisers are even in their own back yard. But the more reasoned argument of market share in the US makes a ton of sense.

Totally agree. Just posted on this too. O used to live thete and went every year. Have some of the coolest car photos as a result.

couldn't see all of the replies online so my apologies if this us a repeat.

They would indeed get better mileage if they simply made the front of this thing a teardrop front. But the real issue with truck drivers is that they would never purchase the thing, even if it means saving three times as much as what is reported here. Truck drivers are notoriously conservative with design; Peterbilt

There is nothing for them to ruin. The production value on the original film was terrible and if you watch it today, it looks worse than a SyFy original movie. The original script was decent, however a bit hoaky. Any reboot is welcome.

Quick! an opportunity to show our company is still relevant!

Let's face it, the whole reason Facebook still exists is for all of the examples above. I guarantee you I will read all of the above in the next two days alone. If we don't post these type of messages on FB, what will be the point of FB?

Ultra Low Frequency Sonar. Used by the military for years and has been fought against by animal rights groups worldwide to stop using, because of its massive effect on whales and sonar-using sea creatures. The wavelengths apparently mess up their ability to navigate.

How did you miss the original Tron? I mean he hacked INTO the net!

How do you say "Hey y'all! Watch this!" in Russian? Stupid sounds and looks the same anywhere.

That man rocks. Parents gotta get tough with this generation of lazy over-privileged kids.

Had the same problem. I had to try it three times, but it worked on the third try- who knows?

I can't get it to launch. is this an app and not a website? sorry- can't figure out this new web 3.0 world very well. I get a blank page when I go there.

Airline seats are far too vertical to begin with, and eliminating that extra inch of tilt will potentially cause back pain or inflame it for many passengers. "ergonomics" here represents how much can they fold us up like origami before we cry out in pain and leave the airline. I won't be flying them any more.

This number will disappear as most of us start using only debit cards, and, increasingly, smartphone payments. The only place I get change any more is at Starbucks and I always dump the change in the tip bin. I am actually surprised that so many people still bother with cash.

crash on any click. Not sure this is working for anyone.

Thank you Giz for this article. I have been debating all of these cameras of late but this has really helped clarify the issues for me. Your reviews are so much easier to comprehend, and are written with the real world in mind, than those written by the photo sites.