
I would donate a thousand bucks just so that they put a giant cigar in its mouth

This is just for murder, isn’t it?

I’ve seen folks respond like this to their Roombas. Automatonophobia. We should all fear the rapidly approaching robot uprising. Years from now we will look back at this guy as a hero.

Two drones actually gave chase to air units

Looks like an inside job to me.

While I really hate the expression “I’m not a scientist, but...”

Do you actually know what the Singularity is?

No, we will not calm down.

Suidobashi is a tiny company with only a handfull of employees. The builder, Mr. Kurata (hence the naming of the robot) is basically a metal worker/welder, and this whole Kuratas thing is more of a hobby than business. I see him like the dude who built a Lambo in his garage. That being said, Mr. Kurata is a pacifist,

Yeah seriously, that’s the only way we’re going to win. Maybe Lockheed-Martin and Boston Dynamics too.

I’m waiting for Japan to bring in their ringer:


Only after the shit storm she created made her look incompetent. She’s trying to save her own ass at this point and its painfully obvious.

In response, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve ordered Paris police to issue a decree banning the activity of UberPOP

Betcha it won’t happen. :)

So Apple is playing catch-up by copying other companies’ work?

I really want the latter half of that video lol.

Once you have one, I will have something better, probably with an Apple logo.

Although you are trolling (poorly might I add) there are about 300+ million other people in the U.S. That don’t live in NYC and many non ‘rich’ers who happen to have garages with automatic door openers attached. Nice try at your ‘Fuck the rich’ Burn of the Day.

I had my Pebble for a year now. Good navigator. Great messenger reader. Fantastic watch. Gets better by the month. Battery life is about 6 days for me.