
Are we really going to start getting in her ass NOW about her fucking atrocious “singing”?

The failure success of adult-run systems governments built on the achievements blood of young athletes people to protect those athletes donors from horrifying abuse loss of wealth and influence is breathtaking.

It says right in said article that they wouldn’t deny coverage to a game based solely upon the political beliefs of its creator. I find this commendable, even though I find Vávra himself entirely objectionable.

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

I loved, loved, loved Derrick Rose earlier in his career, just for his incredible, explosive athleticism, and the gutsiness of his style. Knee injuries took too much of his athleticism. His jumper flattened out because he can’t get the same lift under it; he struggles to finish inside because he can’t rise up and over

No, you don’t.

No. You really don’t have to ask.

Way to cherry pick Fultz and ignore the actual generational talent of Embiid and Simmons.

From what I heard, that had less to do with the OWL franchises fussing and more with Korean culture and specifically Geguri’s parents being uncomfortable with her being in co-ed housing, as she had just turned 18. In South Korea, co-ed housing for students is still pretty uncommon.

Yeah but let’s talk about the panel gaps

Pretty sure that’s Anthony Tolliver.

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

Now playing

Meanwhile, here’s the hottest rapper in nearby Estonia:

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

You get one chance in your life to have your jersey retired, and you only get that if you’ve been an incredibly important part of an NBA franchise’s history. You’ll live, on average, 28,740 days, and ONE of those days will be the day where you get to sit back and be like “I worked my ass off for fifteen years and I’m

When asked why he would allow Lynch back, Pitino is quoted as saying:

Sager family at the courthouse:

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

I too refuse to play with lebron