
The keeper couldn’t stop the shot because of her titties!

god, he was hot even without the muscles. lisa bonet has picked the best baby daddies in the history of baby daddies.

I just wanted you to post another HotS-related article so I could post this.

“That’s what I call Carmelo.”

I don’t want to sound like an advocate for raping your teammate to death, but in this case it would open up a spot in the infield.

In Doc’s defense, he admitted that Austin was a huge mistake, but he still stands behind the signing itself.

Lebron’s 4-2 record tops Jordan’s 0-6 record. GOAT

Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.

Make Goodell mad.

This sounds like one of those things where you go “ZOMG THAT SOUNDS SO FUNNY AND AWESOME” and then you turn it on and 5 minutes in you go “oh, wait, this is like a whole thing” and you realize the only funny part is its actual existence.

I guess they’re still pretty close, and that’s cool and all, but there’s no need to brag about it. My little league coach was there when I lost my virginity, and the tears were in my eyes, and you don’t hear him blubbering to the Mercury News about it. “Act like you been there before,” Coach Barry would say. I did. I d

do not let this stop you from complaining loudly about them while watching the rest of the series.

KIMMEL: “Have you got anything for Jeremy Lin yet?”

Miller actually overpaid on this tax last year, so he’s hired a bean counter.

Harden is still hitting 3’s in the offseason.

He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.

Abolish the DH. If you’re on the field, you need to hit. Why pitchers can’t hit is bull shit.

Meanwhile, Abby Wambach is completely ignored AGAIN because she isn’t, shall we say......marketable?

Are we sure this isn't just Nick Kroll?

"Does making men think they're going to potentially have sex with Scarlett Johansson constitute cruelty to animals in some way?"